The Escalating Climate Crisis Poses Increasing Risks for Individuals with Mental Health Disorders

The Escalating Climate Crisis Poses Increasing Risks for Individuals with Mental Health Disorders

The climate crisis poses a significant threat to individuals with mental health issues Discover the essential information and explore ways communities can provide crucial support to those affected

Subscribe to CNN's Life, But Greener newsletter, a comprehensive series that will show you how to actively reduce your contribution to the climate crisis and alleviate your eco-anxiety. With the climate crisis worsening, we witness the devastating effects on farmers who face drying crops and individuals displaced by rampant wildfires.

However, there is another group that faces a potentially life-threatening danger due to the climate crisis - individuals with mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or anxiety.

In fact, this danger has already manifested itself for some individuals. A study conducted in March revealed that during a particularly severe heat wave in British Columbia in June 2021, 8% of the individuals who lost their lives as a result of the extreme temperatures had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Surprisingly, this mental health disorder posed a greater risk factor than other conditions examined in the study, including kidney disease and coronary artery disease.

The Escalating Climate Crisis Poses Increasing Risks for Individuals with Mental Health Disorders

People with certain mental health problems are more at risk for experiencing the dangers of the climate crisis, experts say.

"Unfortunately, things will only deteriorate until we control climate change," said Dr. Robert Feder, a retired psychiatrist from New Hampshire and the American Psychiatric Association's representative to the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health. "With rising temperatures, the impacts will intensify. We will witness an increase in storms, fires, and heightened anxiety due to the multitude of events occurring."

Several studies have found a correlation between rising temperatures, suicide attempts, and an increase in emergency department visits related to mental health. The climate crisis exacerbates this issue by contributing to long-term air pollution through droughts and wildfires, which in turn leads to heightened anxiety and a rise in suicide rates. Experts assert that individuals with schizophrenia or other conditions face additional vulnerability to extreme heat, air pollution, and stress. Consequently, they require support from loved ones, surrounding communities, and policymakers.

The susceptibility of certain psychiatric patients to the negative effects of extreme heat, such as heatstroke or fatality, originates in a brain region known as the anterior hypothalamus, which functions as the body's temperature regulator.

"According to Dr. Peter Crank, an assistant professor in the department of geography and environmental management at the University of Waterloo in Canada, the brain plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature. It signals when we are too hot or cold, triggering shivering and sweating as our natural cooling mechanisms. Dr. Crank, who coauthored a study on the recent heat wave in British Columbia in March, provided this valuable insight."

The Escalating Climate Crisis Poses Increasing Risks for Individuals with Mental Health Disorders

The use of marijuana during pregnancy has doubled among women in the United States, with the majority of usage occurring in the first trimester, according to a government report released on Tuesday, June 17, 2019. The photograph above shows two marijuana buds displayed for a customer in Denver.

Using marijuana while pregnant can increase the risk for the baby. It sends signals to the brain, instructing it to perform certain actions such as drinking water or adjusting clothing to suit the temperature. However, these disorders, including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and manic depressive disorder, all disrupt the transmission of information to this specific part of the brain.

Brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, which are typically lower in individuals with these disorders, may also play a role in the ability to regulate body temperature, according to experts. Dr. Joshua Wortzel, a psychiatrist at Bradley Hospital at Brown University and chair of the American Psychiatric Associations committee on climate change and mental health, explains that the hypothalamus relies on serotonin stimulation. Changes in serotonin levels caused by external temperatures can affect a person's sweating abilities when their brain's serotonin levels are altered by medication.

Certain medications used for the treatment of these conditions can increase the risks associated with sweat dysfunction or elevation in the body's core temperature. Antipsychotic medications, commonly administered for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, paranoia, and delusions, such as aripiprazole, olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, and lurasidone, have the most significant impact in this regard, as per Feder's statement.

Some medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as lisdexamfetamine and amphetamine/dextroamphetamine salts, as well as certain anti-anxiety medications, may also lead to the occurrence of this issue.

The Escalating Climate Crisis Poses Increasing Risks for Individuals with Mental Health Disorders

On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, a discarded plastic bottle was found on the beach at Sandy Hook, N.J. This coincided with the release of a report by Clean Ocean Action, an environmental group, which revealed that volunteers collected over 450,000 litter items from New Jersey's coastline in the previous year. (Photo by Wayne Parry/AP)

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Lithium, a mood-stabilizing medicine, can cause dehydration, Feder added.

In addition, managing mental health symptoms can be affected by lifestyle habits. Sleep, a crucial factor for managing mental health symptoms, can also be disrupted by high temperatures, according to experts.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that many mental health conditions have a tendency for recurrent episodes once diagnosed. Stress, such as climate disasters, can often trigger these episodes, as explained by Feder.

Homelessness is prevalent among individuals with mental health conditions, particularly within the schizophrenic community. Additionally, being homeless during a heatwave significantly increases the risk of death due to the lack of access to air conditioning, as stated by Feder.

Behaviors resulting from these conditions can increase the likelihood of heat-related illness or death. Individuals with schizophrenia, for instance, may have difficulty discerning reality, leading them to be unaware of overheating or attribute it to irrational causes. Consequently, they may fail to take appropriate measures to seek relief from the heat and ensure their safety, according to Feder.

Moreover, individuals with mental health disorders are more prone to self-medicate with substances that impair their body's capacity to perceive and react to high temperatures.

Please remember that simply discontinuing these medications is not the recommended solution, as doing so could have more detrimental effects than remaining on them. These medications play a vital role in your treatment, as emphasized by Wortzel.

The Escalating Climate Crisis Poses Increasing Risks for Individuals with Mental Health Disorders

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Consult your doctor regarding any medications you are currently taking or about to start, as certain drug pamphlets may not mention the increased susceptibility to extreme heat as a potential side effect.

"These cautions are simply reminders to prioritize staying in cooler environments and ensuring proper hydration. With the worsening of climate change, this side effect should be a growing concern that we need to pay more attention to. It is not a reason to discontinue taking antipsychotics, but rather a strong motivator to take necessary precautions in hot weather."

Addressing the climate crisis is undoubtedly the foremost solution, emphasized Wortzel. Additionally, he stressed the significance of policy measures such as increasing accessibility to cooling centers and other resources, as well as allocating more funding for research aimed at enhancing our comprehension of the effects of heat on mental health.

The Escalating Climate Crisis Poses Increasing Risks for Individuals with Mental Health Disorders

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Individuals and communities can implement measures to safeguard vulnerable individuals during periods of hot weather. According to Wortzel, it is crucial for patients to acknowledge their susceptibility to stress. Ensuring access to air-conditioning, cooling centers, and staying adequately hydrated is essential. It is also important to monitor the amount of time spent outdoors and avoid being outside during the hottest parts of the day.

To maintain a lower core temperature, Crank suggests wearing sunscreen, hats, and light-colored, loose-fitting clothes. Additionally, taking cold showers can be beneficial.

Feder adds that actively participating in climate-related activities is another way to address the anxiety associated with climate change. He recommends joining climate advocacy groups and working towards implementing solutions for the climate crisis.

Feder also suggested people write or talk to their lawmakers about the issue.

You should also inform your loved ones of your vulnerabilities so they can offer support.

If you're not at greater risk and want to help, demonstrate empathy and awareness by storing water bottles in your car to distribute to those who are more susceptible to extreme heat-related harm.

"Make an effort to immediately alert emergency services if you come across someone in distress," recommended Crank. This simple act will only require a few minutes of your time.