The Epic Valor of Valisthea's Indomitable Undying in Final Fantasy 16

The Epic Valor of Valisthea's Indomitable Undying in Final Fantasy 16

The Undying in Final Fantasy 16 are the unsung heroes of Valisthea, tirelessly serving the Rosfields from the shadows These underappreciated characters play a pivotal role, as Joshua's life hangs in the balance, saved only by their crucial aid


Final Fantasy 16 features a rich world with numerous factions vying for control over dwindling resources in the war-torn land of Valisthea.

The Undying, a faction dedicated to serving the nobility in Rosaria, plays a pivotal but often overlooked role in the game. This group acts as the unsung heroes, providing essential assistance to the main characters behind the scenes.

The Undying's unwavering dedication to the Phoenix can be compared to a cult, as they prioritize fulfilling the needs of the Rosfield family above their own lives. This loyalty is vividly demonstrated through various side quests in the game.

In Final Fantasy 16, the war-ravaged world of Valisthea is home to a multitude of factions and sub-factions vying for control over scarce resources. With its extensive lore and unanswered mysteries, the game holds great potential for expansion, even if it was initially designed as a complete experience upon release.

Notably, the Undying is a secretive group that remains hidden until the latter stages of the game. Their main objective is to serve the nobility in Rosaria, particularly the powerful Phoenix. Although the Undying doesn't receive much attention in Final Fantasy 16, they play a crucial role as the unsung heroes, providing crucial aid to the main protagonists from behind the scenes.

Joshua Would Have Died Without the Undying's Aid Early in Final Fantasy 16

The Epic Valor of Valisthea's Indomitable Undying in Final Fantasy 16

The Undying's role in the story starts at the beginning, when they save Joshua's life at Phoenix Gate after he was severely injured by Ifrit. This act becomes crucial for Joshua's survival, as it is revealed later that the Undying are the protectors of the Phoenix in secret.

During the game's prologue and first act, while Clive serves as a Bearer for the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, Joshua is nursed back to health by Jote, an Undying, and together they travel the continent. Over the course of years, they try to understand Ultima's motives, often coming close to crossing paths with Clive and Joshua but always being prevented by various circumstances.

In addition to the main story, the Undying, as a collective, are actively pursuing a singular objective. They send teams to gather information about Ultima and his intentions with Clive. This aspect is further explored in various side quests of Final Fantasy 16. The group's unwavering dedication to the Phoenix can be likened to a cult, as individual members appear to have little regard for their own lives, existing solely to serve the Rosfield family.

Cyril, a member of the Undying, assigns several side quests called Duty Undying that shed light on this commitment. Clive is tasked with checking on members who have gone silent for extended periods, providing a somber undertone to these quests. In one such quest, most of a missing team has been annihilated by the Fallen. Despite Clive's reminder that sacrificing lives could have been avoided, the survivors only take away the belief that those who perished did so in service of the cause.

The next quest draws parallels between Undying's commitment and the commitment of Ultima followers. Clive checks on an individual who respects those willing to give up their bodies to become Akashic in order to be closer to their god. While not the most difficult quests in Final Fantasy 16, they add a melancholic twist to the theme of sacrificing everything for a greater cause. These quests show the importance of recognizing the value in one's own life and not solely focusing on the big picture.

Jote and the Undying play a crucial role in Final Fantasy 16's story, allowing Clive and Joshua to have a heartfelt reunion after being separated for years. However, the group doesn't receive much attention or recognition. While it may align with the Undying's purpose to remain in the shadows, they deserve applause for their contributions.

Final Fantasy 16 is out now on PS5.