The Epic Return of Jyggalag in The Elder Scrolls 6

The Elder Scrolls 6 could feature the long-awaited return of an enigmatic Daedric Prince, Jyggalag As a forgotten deity, his appearance in the game would bring a new level of mystery and intrigue to the already captivating world of Tamriel
Bethesda's announcement of The Elder Scrolls 6 during its E3 2018 press conference may have been premature, given that the game is still a long way off. With Bethesda currently focusing on the release of Starfield, fans may have to wait until 2026 or later for The Elder Scrolls 6. For fans who have been eagerly anticipating the game since Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC was released in 2012, this is a long wait. Despite this, there is hope that The Elder Scrolls 6 will pay off some of the plot points introduced in Skyrim, as well as address the absence of Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order, who was missing from the game.
The Elder Scroll's Forgotten Daedric Prince
Jyggalag's arrival in the Elder Scrolls series dates back to Daggerfall, but he is best known as the antagonist of Oblivion's Shivering Isles expansion. Interestingly, his first appearance in the game was actually as Sheogorath's alter ego. As the story unfolds, players discover that Jyggalag and Sheogorath are one and the same. At the end of each era, Jyggalag emerges and conquers the Shivering Isles, only to transform back to Sheogorath and rebuild his realm of madness once again.
This cyclical transformation is not a natural occurrence for Jyggalag, but rather a result of a curse that was placed upon him by the other Daedric Princes. In the past, Jyggalag was one of the most powerful lords of Oblivion, ruling over a realm of perfect order that expanded with each passing era. However, his fellow Daedric Princes grew fearful of his might and cursed him, transforming him into the Daedric Prince of Madness - Sheogorath.
Jyggalag's Role in TES6
The fate of Jyggalag, the Prince of Order, remained a mystery in Skyrim as the game made no mention of him. However, fans of The Elder Scrolls series who played the Oblivion DLC Shivering Isles would know that the protagonist defeated Jyggalag, breaking the cycle and ultimately becoming the new Sheogorath. With Jyggalag free to roam Oblivion once more, it's left to the imagination what he may have been up to over the past 200 years.It's unlikely that Jyggalag will launch a full-scale attack on Hammerfell in The Elder Scrolls 6, as it would resemble the storylines of Oblivion and The Shivering Isles. However, it would be strange if he didn't have his own quest and Daedric Artifact in the game.
In the tumultuous world of Tamriel, the decline of the Empire has only added to the chaos. Petty kingdoms in Hammerfell are constantly at odds, leaving many to seek order in the worship of the Daedric Prince of Order, Jyggalag. However, Jyggalag's idea of order may clash with the free will of humans, creating a unique conflict. In The Elder Scrolls 6, Jyggalag's quest could involve a confrontation with another Daedric Prince, similar to Asura's and Clavicus Vile's quests in Skyrim with multiple endings and rewards. Players could start a different Daedric Quest only to have Jyggalag intervene midway. Sheogorath, Jyggalag's predecessor, may also play tricks on him. The Elder Scrolls series has few examples of direct interaction between Daedric Princes, making Jyggalag an excellent opportunity to explore this aspect of the lore.
The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.