The Epic Return of FF7: Advent Children

The Epic Return of FF7: Advent Children

A celebration of the long-awaited return of Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Complete to North American theaters.

The Legacy of FF7: Advent Children

Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Complete 4K Remastered - Official Trailer (2021)

The year was 2005, and the world was introduced to a groundbreaking cinematic experience that transcended time and technology. Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children, a CGI film that defied the conventions of its era, is set to make its triumphant return to North American theaters.

Cover art for Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Complete 4K release shows Cloud rising up to meet Sephiroth who is descending down towards Midgar.

Cover art for Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Complete 4K release shows Cloud rising up to meet Sephiroth who is descending down towards Midgar.

Taking place two years after the events of the iconic PlayStation 1 classic, the film captures the essence of a beloved game and brings it to life in a visually stunning and emotionally captivating manner. Director Tetsuya Nomura and his team crafted a cinematic masterpiece that continues to inspire and enthrall audiences nearly two decades later.

Image from FF7 Advent Children trailer shows Cloud looking at his rusty Buster sword that is still in the ground while a ray of sun reflects off it.

Image from FF7 Advent Children trailer shows Cloud looking at his rusty Buster sword that is still in the ground while a ray of sun reflects off it.

The Ultimate Showdown: Cloud vs. Sephiroth

One of the most anticipated moments in the film is the epic rematch between Cloud and Sephiroth. This iconic battle has been extended in the Complete version, promising an exhilarating and awe-inspiring experience for fans. The opportunity to witness this monumental clash on the big screen is a dream come true for many fans, as the intensity and grandeur of the battle are truly a spectacle to behold.

A Reimagined Journey: FF7: Advent Children Complete

The release of Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Complete marks a significant moment in the franchise's history. With an additional 26 minutes of captivating content, including extended fight scenes, the Complete version offers a reinvigorated and enhanced viewing experience that is sure to captivate both new and longtime fans alike. The extended cut promises to elevate the film's iconic battles and immerse audiences in the world of FF7 like never before.

The Legacy Continues: FF7: Remake and Beyond

As the FF7 universe expands with the ongoing Remake project, the events of FF7: Advent Children are poised to leave a lasting impact on the franchise's narrative. The seamless integration of FF7: Remake's new continuity with the cinematic legacy of FF7: Advent Children opens up a world of possibilities for fans. The potential for future games to explore the events of the film creates an exciting prospect for fans who yearn to delve deeper into the rich and immersive world of FF7.

The Cinematic Spectacle: Unveiled in 4K

With the 2021 4K remaster revealing the film in all its glory, Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Complete shines brighter than ever. The visual splendor and breathtaking action sequences are brought to life with an unprecedented level of detail and clarity, allowing audiences to immerse themselves in the cinematic spectacle of FF7 like never before. The opportunity to experience the iconic battles and awe-inspiring visuals on the big screen is a testament to the enduring legacy of Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children.