The Epic Rescue Mission: Unveiling Kuma's Role in Saving Luffy in One Piece

The Epic Rescue Mission: Unveiling Kuma's Role in Saving Luffy in One Piece

Kuma's arrival on Egghead sparks hope for Luffy's rescue, as his incredible power may hold the key to defeating the formidable Saturn Discover how Kuma's intervention will shape the thrilling battle between Luffy and Saturn in One Piece


The war on Egghead Island is intensifying and the Straw Hat Pirates are in a desperate position, but help may be on the way in the form of Kuma.

Kuma, driven by his aspiration to become a hero like the legendary warrior Nika, embarks on a mission to Egghead. His objective is to rescue not only his daughter but also the Straw Hat Pirates.

Equipped with his formidable Nikyu Nikyu no Mi Devil Fruit ability, Kuma possesses the potential to alleviate Luffy's fatigue and anguish, granting him the ability to resume combat. The confrontation between Luffy and the formidable Saturn promises to be both arduous and pivotal for the survival of the entire crew.

The Egghead Island arc in One Piece continues with intense excitement as the much-awaited war in the Final Saga finally commences. Fans cannot contain their anticipation for what Oda has planned, especially since he has expressed his eagerness to illustrate this particular segment of the story. The events on Egghead Island have thus far been incredibly intense, with the war officially commencing a few chapters ago.

In this war, the Straw Hat Pirates find themselves battling against the Marines, and their current situation is dire due to the interference of Saint Saturn. It appears that the Straw Hat Pirates may meet their downfall on the island, but there could be potential assistance on the horizon.

Kuma's Arrival On Egghead

The Epic Rescue Mission: Unveiling Kuma's Role in Saving Luffy in One Piece

Currently, the only person capable of assisting the Straw Hat Pirates is Kuma. Oda is currently focusing on Kuma's backstory in One Piece. However, Kuma's importance goes beyond his flashback. He plays a crucial role in the ongoing events and is actively involved in the Egghead Island arc. Kuma is currently en route to Egghead and will arrive there soon. Initially, he headed towards the Red Line from Momoiro Island and encountered a massive landmass, which he climbed.

Upon reaching the top, Kuma faced formidable government forces, including Fleet Admiral Sakazuki. Despite sustaining significant damage, Kuma managed to escape and is now making his way towards his intended destination. Although it hasn't been explicitly confirmed, it is evident that Kuma aims to rescue his daughter and the Straw Hat Pirates. It is only a matter of time before he fulfills his role as the savior he aspired to be as a child, as depicted in his ongoing flashback in One Piece 1095.

Kuma as The Savior

The Epic Rescue Mission: Unveiling Kuma's Role in Saving Luffy in One Piece

Kuma has always aspired to be a hero, a desire he shared with his daughter. Being an ardent admirer of the legendary warrior Nika, whose folklore has been passed down within the Buccaneer race for generations, Kuma firmly believes that Nika will one day come to their rescue. Imagining Nika as the Liberation Warrior, Kuma envisions him with a beaming smile, offering salvation to those in despair. While Kuma holds onto the hope that Nika will save him as well, he also feels compelled to become a hero himself, influenced deeply by the renowned warrior.

During a nostalgic moment, Kuma confides in Bonney about his aspirations while they enjoy their playful companionship. Now, Kuma will finally have the opportunity to fulfill his role as a savior. As his flashback concludes, fans can expect to witness his arrival on Egghead, where he will not only rescue his daughter but also lend aid to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Kuma has previously rescued the Straw Hat Pirates, particularly during their time in Sabaody Archipelago when he scattered them to different locations to protect them from total annihilation. Now, following the timeskip, Kuma is once again stepping in to save the crew. The situation they are facing is more critical than ever, requiring Kuma to take more significant actions.

Upon reaching Egghead, Kuma's first priority is to rescue his daughter. Afterwards, he will move on to saving Luffy. While all members of the Straw Hat Pirates are in need of assistance, Luffy is currently in the greatest need. Having heavily relied on his Gear 5 during battles against Kizaru and even Lucci, as well as using up energy while combating the Seraphims, it is understandable that Luffy is now completely exhausted.

He cannot fight anymore and this means he needs help, which will be provided by Kuma.

How Kuma Will Save Luffy

The Epic Rescue Mission: Unveiling Kuma's Role in Saving Luffy in One Piece

Fans naturally speculate how Kuma could be of assistance. The answer lies in his extraordinary Devil Fruit power - the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. With this unique ability, Kuma possesses the capability to repel objects at extraordinary speeds, even reaching the velocity of light through his paw pads. The majority of fans believe Kuma may send the Straw Pirates away from Egghead. Although this is a valid possibility, another scenario could further enhance the story. Utilizing his powers, Kuma has the potential to rescue Luffy. Fans recollect that his abilities allow him to interact with intangible elements, such as emotions, pain, memories, and quite possibly, exhaustion, effectively adding an intriguing twist.

Luffy is currently experiencing intense pain and stress. In order to alleviate his suffering, Kuma possesses the ability to utilize his Devil Fruit powers. By doing so, he can remove the stress, exhaustion, and pain that Luffy is enduring, ultimately restoring him to a state of optimal health. Consequently, Luffy would be fully prepared and able to engage in battle once again. This achievement would enable Luffy to fulfill the prophecy that has long been recounted in the tales of the Buccaneer, which predicts that the Sun God Nika will eventually appear and save them all. Both Kuma and Bonney also require salvation. Although Kuma will initially rescue Bonney and the Straw Hat Pirates, it is probable that the responsibility will then transition to Luffy.

Luffy Vs Saturn Begins

The Epic Rescue Mission: Unveiling Kuma's Role in Saving Luffy in One Piece

After Kuma rescues Luffy, the spotlight will likely shift to the epic showdown between Luffy and Saturn. Fans are well aware that this battle will be nothing short of intense. Saturn is not only one of the most powerful individuals in the world of One Piece, but also an absolutely formidable force. His abilities surpass even those of the Admirals, as evidenced by his recent displays in the manga. Fans have high expectations for Saturn as a supremely skilled warrior, and only someone as formidable as Luffy will be able to stand against him. Consequently, Luffy will find himself facing off against the island's strongest combatant and emerge victorious in an epic clash.

The battle against Saturn will undoubtedly be a daunting challenge. Saturn, a formidable demonic entity, cannot be easily overcome by just anyone. However, Saturn is facing off against no ordinary pirate. He is confronted by the formidable Warrior of Liberation and the Sun God. If there's anyone capable of standing up to and defeating Saturn, it is Luffy.

By engaging Saturn in combat, Luffy would not only safeguard the rest of the crew from annihilation but also allow them to address the other imminent threats. It is highly probable that Kizaru will regain consciousness at a later stage in the story, albeit in a weakened state. This presents an ideal opportunity for Sanji to confront and triumph over a debilitated Kizaru in battle. Meanwhile, Zoro would take on the responsibility of vanquishing Lucci, while the remaining Straw Hat Pirates can engage the Vice Admirals. In the grand scheme of things, the Egghead Incident is likely to have far-reaching consequences, such as the impending arrival of the Ancient Iron Giant and other significant events. However, at its core lies Kuma, whose actions facilitate the occurrence of these historic events.

One Piece can be read for free by fans on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus app, officially provided by Viz Media. However, there will be no new chapter of One Piece next week. The release date for the next chapter, One Piece 1096, is scheduled for October 29, 2023.