The Epic Evolution of Cal in the Highly Anticipated Star Wars Jedi Threequel
Discover the compelling reasons why Cal Kestis, the Jedi protagonist, is destined to face the Empire head-on once again in the highly anticipated Star Wars Jedi Threequel, as the gripping storyline unfolds in a new, thrilling location
Cal Kestis faces the dilemma of going into hiding or continue fighting against the Empire, with his found family playing a significant role in his decision-making.
The events in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor indicate that Cal may find a permanent residence away from the war. However, according to the franchise's timeline, it suggests that he will ultimately participate in future Star Wars projects, continuing to fight.
Fans are eagerly anticipating a possible appearance of Cal Kestis in a movie or television show. The upcoming second season of Andor could offer an ideal chance to introduce him. Cal's journey may also unfold further in the form of a third installment in the Star Wars Jedi video game series or even a book adaptation.
WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Proceed at your own risk.
The Star Wars Jedi games have seen Cal Kestis and his companions endure numerous losses at the hands of the Empire. This has led Cal to constantly contemplate the idea of going into hiding, a path many Jedi have taken during the purge. In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Cal is faced with yet another reason to consider abandoning his fight against the Empire - his newfound family. Greez, in particular, urges Cal to prioritize his own well-being by offering him a spare room as a bedroom in his Moz Cantina.
Despite the Empire's relentless pursuit and pressure to remain engaged in the battle, Cal never has the luxury of considering leaving as a justified course of action. However, as Star Wars Jedi: Survivor nears its conclusion, the arrival of a new family member and Cal's reflections on his past losses prompt him to contemplate a different path - one away from the war. Yet, given where this series falls in the franchise's timeline, it seems likely that Cal will ultimately continue his fight the next time fans encounter him.
Where the Star Wars Jedi Games Fall on the Star Wars Timeline
More appearances of characters like Cal Kestis may be seen in the next Star Wars Jedi game or upcoming Star Wars projects. Although there have already been cameos by movie and TV show characters in the latest game, such as the Boba Fett easter egg in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, fans have long been requesting a Cal cameo in a film or TV show. Given the events of the latest game, it is possible for Cal to make an appearance in another Star Wars title, whether it be a third game in the series or another Star Wars project.
Why Cal Kestis May Continue to Fight
: The Star Wars Jedi game series takes place between the prequel and sequel film trilogies, specifically after Order 66 is initiated and the remaining Jedi are being hunted. During this period, the Rebellion is slowly forming against the Empire. There are several shows currently airing or in production that also occur in this timeline, which has given fans hope for a potential appearance of Cal Kestis. It is possible that the upcoming season two of Andor, set during the same time, could provide the perfect opportunity to introduce Cal to the story.Instead of continuing the Star Wars Jedi series games in their current setting, the third installment plans to immerse players in the heart of the Rebellion era. Throughout his journey, Cal has made tough choices, and the upcoming Star Wars Jedi: Survivor presents him with the enticing option of leaving his battle days behind. However, the Rebellion provides a strong argument for him to carry on fighting. Moreover, the Rebellion era remains a beloved backdrop for Star Wars video games, featuring many fan-favorite characters and storylines.
The next Star Wars Jedi project may potentially be a book, given the history of this particular Star Wars series. In the past, the events between the Star Wars Jedi games were portrayed in book form, such as in Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars. This suggests that a book may be a possible direction for the future of the series. However, regardless of the medium chosen for the next project in the series, it is expected that Cal will continue his fight for the greater good, considering where it fits in the overall franchise's timeline.
Currently, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, with versions for PS4 and Xbox One under development.