The Epic Battle: Halo Infinite vs The Reaper – Will Destiny Prevail?

The Epic Battle: Halo Infinite vs The Reaper – Will Destiny Prevail?

Halo Infinite's uphill battle to engage players since its launch has raised concerns about its future Microsoft may face the tough decision of pulling the plug on the game after two years


Halo Infinite's post-launch support has been lacking, with controversial decisions and a disappointing seasonal structure, causing active players to lose interest.

Halo Infinite's dwindling player numbers on Steam, losing approximately 98% of its player base, can be attributed to the game's lack of significant content and its failure to address fan concerns. Considering the possibility of upcoming seasons following a similar trajectory, it seems likely that the remaining players will ultimately abandon the game altogether, hinting at the limited lifespan of Halo Infinite.

Halo Infinite's journey has been filled with challenges, but 343 Industries has persevered by constantly introducing new content. The current fourth season boasts an array of fresh additions like a brand-new battle pass, maps, mode, and features. However, while active players may find enjoyment in these updates, it has failed to reignite the excitement in other players. The player count continues to decline, the content remains lacking, and the fate of Halo Infinite seems uncertain.

Although Halo Infinite had an impressive launch, its post-launch support has been lackluster. 343 Industries frequently faces controversies, and the seasonal structure leaves much to be desired. Microsoft had the potential for an easy victory, but instead, disappointment lingers. Even loyal players have started abandoning the game, signaling potential doom for its future. Though no official announcements have been made, Microsoft may soon have to make the difficult decision to pull the plug on this troubled live-service title.

Halo Infinite's Days Were Numbered From the Start

The Epic Battle: Halo Infinite vs The Reaper – Will Destiny Prevail?

As the release date of Halo Infinite drew near, there were high stakes, with expectations of a grand return for the Halo franchise following the divisive reception of Halo 5: Guardians. Initially, the game showed promise, with solid gameplay, an enjoyable campaign, and a sense that Halo multiplayer had returned to its former glory. Fans had been longing for this for years. However, the situation quickly changed when it became apparent that 343 Industries may not have been prepared to launch a live-service title.

While playing Halo Infinite's multiplayer was an enjoyable experience, the content itself was lacking. The structure of the battle pass and cosmetic system was peculiar, popular modes were absent, and there were numerous problems with matchmaking and performance. The free-to-play aspect of the multiplayer helped to maintain player numbers, but these issues detracted from the fast-paced gameplay that the studio had mastered. Unfortunately, as season one continued, the situation only deteriorated.

Halo Infinite's first season lacked substantial content, and it stretched on for about six months without any exciting additions. The second season introduced some new cosmetics and modes, but it still felt empty after such a long period of nothingness. This trend continued in seasons three and four, and the cancellation of the campaign co-op only made matters worse. As a result, players deserted the game in large numbers, with 343 Industries failing to entice them to return.

For live-service games to thrive, they need a sufficient amount of high-quality content. Unfortunately, Halo Infinite has fallen short in this aspect. The seasons have contributed very little to the game, and fans' complaints remain unanswered. Although the gameplay may still be enjoyable, it isn't enough to keep players engaged. In fact, Halo Infinite has lost approximately 98% of its playerbase on Steam alone, and Xbox likely follows a similar pattern.

Halo Infinite is now in its fourth season and the fifth season is set to launch in October. There is a possibility that the upcoming season will follow in the footsteps of its predecessors, which could be the breaking point for the remaining players. The studio is reportedly considering the future of Halo, indicating that Halo Infinite may have a predetermined end date. Originally intended to be the cornerstone for the next decade of Halo, it now faces uncertainty as to whether it will even reach the five-year mark.

Currently, Halo Infinite can be played on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.