The Unforgettable Companion: Mr. Timms
In the vast and imaginative world of Rango, amidst the scorching sands of the Mojave Desert, a unique bond forms between a chameleon named Rango and his loyal companion, Mr. Timms. This wind-up goldfish, though just a toy, holds a significant place in Rango's heart, serving as a source of solace and nostalgia in his tumultuous journey.
A wind up goldfish toy named Mr. Timms swimming across a desert road in Rango.
As Rango navigates the dusty streets of Dirt, a town teeming with peculiar desert creatures, Mr. Timms remains a constant presence, a reminder of a simpler life left behind. The whimsical design of this toy fish adds a touch of charm to the rugged Western landscape, offering a stark contrast to the harsh realities faced by our unlikely hero.
Mr. Timms the goldfish toy underwater in Rango.
A Symbol of Resilience: Strength in Adversity
Despite his diminutive size, Mr. Timms embodies resilience and courage in the face of adversity. When Rango finds himself lost and alone in the unforgiving desert, it is the image of his faithful toy fish that spurs him onward, a beacon of hope in the midst of despair.
Rango closing his eyes and holding his goldfish Mr. Timms tightly in Rango.
In moments of doubt and danger, Mr. Timms stands as a symbol of Rango's inner strength, a reminder that even the smallest comforts can provide the courage to face insurmountable odds. The wind-up goldfish becomes more than just a toy; it becomes a testament to the power of belief and perseverance.
Rango holding his goldfish toy Mr. Timms close to himself.
Captivating Hearts: Marketing Magic of Mr. Timms
While Mr. Timms may only make a few brief appearances in Rango, his impact extends far beyond the confines of the movie screen. From the captivating teaser trailers to the eye-catching posters, this quirky goldfish toy steals the spotlight, captivating audiences of all ages with his endearing charm and comic presence.
Priscilla holding Mr. Timms and poking a rabbit in Rango.
Unlike the conventional animated characters, Mr. Timms stands out with his static look of surprise, a refreshing deviation from the norm. His inclusion in the marketing campaigns of Rango not only highlights his importance to the story but also showcases the film's unique blend of humor and heart.
Rango staring at a large Mr. Timms fish toy swimming towards him with a mannequin in the background in Rango.