The Enigmatic Locked Door in Final Fantasy 16: Unveiling Its Secrets

The Enigmatic Locked Door in Final Fantasy 16: Unveiling Its Secrets

Unlocking secrets in Final Fantasy 16 is usually tied to the story, but The Dim presents a unique challenge with its mysterious locked door Can you find the key to open it and reveal what lies beyond?

In Final Fantasy 16, Clive Rosfield embarks on a journey through the expansive world of Valisthea, aiming to unravel elusive answers. Along his quest, he frequently ventures into new territories, with some accessible immediately, while others remain off-limits until later stages of the story.

During his visit to Eastpool, Clive seizes the opportunity to explore a Blight-affected area. Despite its desolate nature, his curiosity is piqued by a locked door within. Final Fantasy 16 abounds with enigmas, and although many can be easily investigated, the mystery behind what lies beyond The Dim's door appears to be a significant secret.

Where To Find The Locked Door In The Dim

The Enigmatic Locked Door in Final Fantasy 16: Unveiling Its Secrets

To open The Dim's enigmatic locked door, players must first gain entry to The Dim by advancing in the main story until Clive reaches Eastpool as part of the Holding On main quest. Towards the end of this quest, after completing the Back in the Day sub-objective, the gate leading to The Dim will open, granting players the opportunity to discover what lies within.

The Dim itself is a desolate area devoid of any living beings. Consequently, Clive cannot rely on magic during his time there. Fortunately, there is no need to do so, as the area no longer supports life and poses no threats. Once players have access to The Dim, they are free to search for the locked door without fear of encountering any hostile entities.

The Enigmatic Locked Door in Final Fantasy 16: Unveiling Its Secrets

Upon entering The Dim from Eastpool, Clive should advance while keeping close to the left wall until he locates an entrance. Upon entering through this opening and moving towards the west, he will come across some Fallen ruins featuring a circular door in the center. Upon approaching the door, he will question, "What is this? Another Fallen artifact?" However, his curiosity can only stretch so far.

If players revisit this area in the future, Clive will utter these words, "Seems like a remnant of an ancient Fallen airship. I would explore its interior... if only I could." Unfortunately, his access to the inside remains restricted, and there seems to be no means to alter this circumstance.

Can You Open The Locked Door In The Dim?

The Enigmatic Locked Door in Final Fantasy 16: Unveiling Its Secrets

At present, there is no method to unlock the door in The Dim and uncover the hidden secrets behind it, even if players successfully finish Final Fantasy 16's Final Fantasy Mode. It is worth noting, however, that the existence of two distinct voice lines triggered when Clive approaches the door hints at its importance in some manner.

The future of Final Fantasy 16's story is currently unknown as Creative Business Unit 3 has not yet announced anything. Therefore, it is uncertain if this door will ever reveal anything in DLC. Please note that Final Fantasy 16 is only available on PlayStation 5.