The Enigmatic Disappearance of House Lannister's Valyrian Steel Sword: Brightroar Unveiled
Discover the captivating tale of House Lannister's prized possession, the Valyrian Steel sword Brightroar, and its mysterious disappearance in Game of Thrones lore
The Lannisters of Casterly Rock possessed a Valyrian steel greatsword called Brightroar, which they obtained through trade. However, it was tragically lost when King Tommen II ventured into the remains of Valyria.
Gerion Lannister, the youngest brother of Tywin, made an attempt to recover Brightroar but disappeared along with the sword.
In an act symbolizing House Lannister's dominance, Tywin proceeded to transform Ice, the ancestral Valyrian steel greatsword of House Stark, into two blades known as Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper.
House Mormont, House Tarly, and the Lannisters of Casterly Rock lack a Valyrian steel sword at the beginning of Game of Thrones, unlike House Stark. However, following the devastating defeat of the Northern army, led by Robb, in their rebellion against the dominant power of Westeros - the Lannisters - Tywin seizes the opportunity to reforge the ancestral House Stark Valyrian steel greatsword, Ice, into two new swords: Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper.
With the unveiling of these newly reforged blades, Tywin establishes his dominance as a political force in the Seven Kingdoms. These Valyrian steel swords serve as striking symbols of his power and magnificence. In the fourth season, in the episode "Two Swords", when Tywin presents the first of these swords, his son Jaime Lannister remarks that their family has long desired to possess such a weapon. This comment brings attention to the fact that the Lannisters once possessed another Valyrian steel greatsword called Brightroar, which they held for over a century before losing it. This raises the intriguing question of how the cunning Lannisters allowed themselves to lose such a valuable relic.
House Lannister Traded Gold For Brightroar
Monarchs from House Lannister held the title of King of the Rock prior to the Targaryen Conquest. However, after King Loren I Lannister pledged allegiance to Aegon I, he became the Warden of the West and the first Lord of Casterly Rock. Being the rulers of the Westerlands, which was reputedly the wealthiest of the kingdoms, House Lannister had the resources to obtain a Valyrian steel sword. According to Game of Thrones history, Brightroar came into the possession of the Lannisters in the century preceding the calamity known as the Doom of Valyria. Regrettably, it was lost because a King of the Rock dared to venture into the ruins of Valyria. Legend has it that the gold the Lannisters traded for Brightroar was enough to amass an army. Undoubtedly, a symbol of prestige, the monarchs of House Lannister wielded Brightroar in combat, until King Tommen II's ill-fated expedition to retrieve the treasures of the ruined Valyria.
What Happened To Brightroar
Ancient peoples inhabited the Valyrian Peninsula, which was renowned for its forty powerful noble families, skilled smiths, and magical practitioners. This civilization met its downfall when a catastrophic volcanic event, known as the Doom of Valyria in Game of Thrones lore, occurred. Interestingly, the ruling House Targaryen of Westeros, a family capable of riding dragons, can trace its lineage back to Old Valyria. They managed to survive the cataclysm by escaping well in advance.
King of Casterly Rock - Tommen II Lannister brought Brightroar along as he ventured into the doomed land of Valyria. His purpose was to plunder the remnants of its glorious past, hoping to find treasures left behind. However, both King Tommen II and Brightroar disappeared on this ill-fated expedition. Many years later, Gerion, the impulsive younger brother of Tywin Lannister, embarked on a journey to Valyria in a quest to reclaim House Lannister's ancestral Valyrian steel sword. Similar to his predecessor, Gerion vanished without a trace. Tyrion, Gerion's nephew and Tywin's youngest son, expressed his desire to accompany his uncle on this endeavor, but was forbidden from doing so. In an attempt to retrieve his lost brother, Tywin initiated a search party, but the last known location of Gerion was traced to Volantis. According to Game of Thrones lore, Gerion's crew abandoned him in Volantis when he decided to venture into the treacherous Smoking Sea. To compensate for the lost crew members, he had to acquire slaves.
Two Valyrian Steel Swords In The Family
Tywin turned to Reforging Ice as a last resort, unable to foresee the unpredictable outcome of the War of the Five Kings. Desperate to obtain a replacement sword, he approached the less affluent noble Houses within the realm, hoping for a transaction. However, none of these Houses were willing to part with their precious heirlooms, considering the immense value of swords and other weapons in the captivating world of Game of Thrones.
Tywin took great pride in acquiring two swords from Ice, however, only one of them proved useful to House Lannister. Widow's Wail was never used by Joffrey, but Jaime demonstrated its power in the seventh season of Game of Thrones, wielding it against the Dothraki horde while journeying from Highgarden to King's Landing. In addition, Jaime, along with Brienne and her blade Oathkeeper, valiantly slew countless Wights in the Battle of Winterfell using their Valyrian steel swords.
Regarding Brightroar, the ancestral Valyrian steel greatsword of House Lannister, it remained in their possession for over a century. However, its disappearance remains an unsolved mystery within the Game of Thrones universe.