The Enigmatic Captain Enoch: Unraveling Ahsoka's Enthralling Connection

The Enigmatic Captain Enoch: Unraveling Ahsoka's Enthralling Connection

Meet Captain Enoch, the intriguing new Star Wars character introduced in Ahsoka alongside the live-action debut of Grand Admiral Thrawn Discover the captivating origins and enigmatic persona of Captain Enoch in this thrilling addition to the Star Wars universe

Can fans who are new to Ahsoka or revisiting it wonder about Captain Enoch, Grand Admiral Thrawn's trusted subordinate? In our review of the sixth episode, we labeled it as a pivotal moment for both Ahsoka and the Star Wars universe. Thrawn's return, coupled with Lars Mikkelsen's chilling and commanding portrayal, has the potential to make him one of the most memorable villains in the franchise.

Rebels fans may not be acquainted with the Chiss general, as the series concluded with him being swept into the Unknown Regions when Ezra Bridger sacrificed himself to protect the galaxy. Nevertheless, Morgan, Baylan, Shin, and Sabine reunite with him after discovering a way to his planet, Morgan.

In the Ahsoka storyline, Thrawn poses a significant danger, but we are intrigued by his enigmatic henchman, Captain Enoch, who always wears a mask.

Who is Captain Enoch?

The Enigmatic Captain Enoch: Unraveling Ahsoka's Enthralling Connection


Captain Enoch is the leader of Thrawn's Night Troopers, serving as the captain of the guard for his forces. Portrayed by Wes Chatham, he is a former stormtrooper who is distinguished by the unique gold mask he wears. It is speculated that he may have previously served on Thrawn's Chimera starship before the events of the Rebels finale. Interestingly, there is a character named Enoch who also wears a gold mask in the Ben 10 series as a member of the Forever Knights, although it is uncertain if this had any influence on Ahsoka's creation.

Enoch resembles Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati in the sense that he is a fresh addition to the series, unlike Thrawn, who has been a part of Star Wars lore since the early '90s in the Legends canon. Consequently, we have limited information about Enoch, although fans have their own conjectures.

One Redditor theorized that Enoch may be a Nightsister zombie, similar to Marrok and potentially some of the troops. There seems to be an unidentified force on Peridea that is responsible for their demise, while the night sisters are believed to be resurrecting them.

"I'm curious about the unusual mask and voice changer and I really hope they don't get rid of this cool-looking villain too quickly (which Star Wars tends to do)," another person remarked. In response, someone said, "I believe it's a hint that this character is more than just a fancy Stormtrooper – there's something else going on. I hope that stylish golden mask gets broken at some point so we can see the real person behind it, but I wouldn't be surprised if we never see Wes' face or hear his voice from this character."

"I have a feeling he won't survive this season and make it into the Dave Filoni movie, but I really wish he does. The character design is fantastic, and based on the reactions online, Enoch is already leaving an impression despite having limited screen time. I feel like the design has a Darth Maul-like appeal already. He looks genuinely unique," a third individual commented.

You can now watch Ahsoka Season 1 on Disney+. Sign up for Disney+ here. Below are our other articles related to Ahsoka:

- Episode 1 review

- Episode 2 review

- Episode 3 review

- Episode 4 review

- Episode 5 review

- Episode 6 review

- Episode 7 review

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- Who is Captain Enoch?

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