The Enchanting World of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes: An Intriguing Interview with Game Developer Simon Flesser

The Enchanting World of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes: An Intriguing Interview with Game Developer Simon Flesser

Game Rant interviews Simon Flesser, the game director of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, a captivating upcoming puzzle mystery game by Simogo Delve into the surreal world and discover the intriguing story and game design influences behind this highly anticipated title

Annapurna Interactive recently hosted a digital showcase for 2023, showcasing new games, updates, and profiles of developers. Among the highlights was a mesmerizing trailer for the upcoming puzzle game, Lorelei and The Laser Eyes. This indie mystery game is currently being developed for Nintendo Switch and Steam, with a planned release in late 2023.

Game Rant recently interviewed Simon Flesser, the Game Director of Lorelei at Simogo, a Malmö-based developer known for their work on Sayonara Wild Hearts and Device 6. The following transcript has been edited for conciseness and clarity.

Hello, my name is Simon Flesser and I am the director of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, assuming there is a concept of directing a game. Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a captivating puzzle mystery game that allows players to take control of a character in a fragmented and occasionally surreal environment. The objective is to unveil the truth behind the significant occurrences that transpired in the years 1847, 1963, and 2014.

Q: What can players expect in terms of game mechanics in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes?

A: In Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, we aimed to address the complexity of button controls commonly seen in games today. This time, our focus was to eliminate the need for intricate hand-eye coordination. As a result, players primarily control a third-person character using just one joystick and one button. Through this simplified control scheme, players can interact with various objects and characters within the game world, involving focused interactions such as unlocking locks, opening boxes, using typewriters and maps, operating computers and videogames, operating film cameras, reading sections of books and magazines, and occasionally making decisions through text prompts.

Most of the puzzles in the game are original, although there are some that have variations and twists based on each other. These puzzles reference each other in different ways. In terms of quantity and frequency, we took inspiration from the Layton series, but we wanted to create a game where puzzles seamlessly fit into the narrative. We also drew inspiration from 90s survival horror games like Resident Evil, envisioning a game where players can explore an expanding world and solve puzzles without the constant threat of monsters.

The Enchanting World of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes: An Intriguing Interview with Game Developer Simon Flesser

Q: How challenging are the puzzles compared to traditional narrative puzzle games like Myst or more recent puzzle-and-exploration-driven titles like Tunic?

Puzzle difficulty is subjective, with a range from medium to very difficult. Due to the abundance of puzzles and non-linear gameplay, players can usually find another puzzle to solve if they get stuck. However, completing all puzzles in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is generally considered an achievement. Regarding solutions, puzzles can either have multiple possibilities or be deterministic.

A: Lorelei's story encompasses elements of surrealism, psychological thrills, and a hint of political intrigue, as evident from its trailer and Steam page. However, it also unfolds as a captivating murder mystery. Could you provide some additional details about the story?

The main aim is for the story to captivate players, allowing them to unravel its mysteries and become immersed in its intricacies, much like navigating through a maze. The storyline revolves around an artist who is summoned by an eccentric filmmaker to partake in a project at an old forest hotel. Additionally, it delves into the journey of a magician in search of a long-lost treasure, the presence of a lost spirit, secret societies, and a multitude of nested narratives.

In terms of its description on the Steam page, Lorelei defines itself as a "non-linear place" rather than a puzzle, story, or adventure. Moreover, the fictional realm is situated "somewhere in Central Europe." How significant is the setting in shaping the overall experience of Lorelei?

Players will have the opportunity to venture into various locations within this surreal world through the realms of dreams, visions, mirrors, and even interactive games.

The Enchanting World of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes: An Intriguing Interview with Game Developer Simon Flesser

Q: Which films, games, and other media influenced your narrative approach in Lorelei?

A: Our narrative approach in Lorelei drew inspiration from films such as L'Année dernière à Marienbad and 8 ½. Additionally, books like The Book of Illusions and The Magus played a significant role in influencing our creative direction.

Q: What influenced Lorelei and the Laser Eyes' choice of a magenta-on-monochrome color scheme?

A: After facing challenges with the color scheme in our previous game Sayonara Wild Hearts, we decided early on that the next project would be in black and white.

Q: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know?

A: Things are not what they seem.


Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is currently in development for PC and Switch.
