The Dynamic Duo: Unveiling the Unbreakable Bond Between Edens Zero's Shiki and Fairy Tail's Natsu

Discover the uncanny resemblances between Edens Zero's Shiki and Fairy Tail's Natsu From their strikingly similar personalities and character designs to the powers bestowed upon them by adoptive parents, explore their shared journey in a bygone era Dive into their unwavering obsession with friendship and uncover the irrational fears that shape their extraordinary adventures
Edens Zero incorporates several elements from the author's previous series Fairy Tail, including character designs and personalities, creating a sense of familiarity for fans.
Natsu from Fairy Tail and Shiki, the protagonist, bear striking resemblances in terms of character designs, personalities, and the very essence of their powers. Both Natsu and Shiki possess abilities that were thought to have vanished, which adds a distinct uniqueness to their skill sets. Furthermore, their unwavering dedication to forming friendships and providing assistance to others serves as another common trait between the two.
Author Hiro Mashima is known for reusing character designs and incorporating callbacks and hidden references in his works. The popular series Fairy Tail included elements taken from Mashima's previous work Rave Master, and now his newest series Edens Zero has a similar pattern with distinct elements from Fairy Tail. Although Edens Zero has unique premise and worldbuilding, its characters share similarities with Fairy Tail, from their designs to their personalities. Shiki Granbell, for example, has similarities with Natsu Dragneel, and Mashima has made sure that both protagonists have a significant number of resemblances beyond just their appearances.
Similar Personality and Character Design
Shiki and Natsu are strikingly similar in terms of character design, with Mashima making only minor adjustments to Shiki's overall appearance. Both characters possess spiky hair, cat-like eyes, a muscular build, and average height. The only noticeable difference lies in Shiki's black hair and slightly updated clothing.
In terms of personality, Shiki and Natsu share few, if any, differences. They both exude a carefree and adventurous demeanor, along with a genuine fondness for forging connections. However, when faced with challenging situations, both protagonists are capable of donning a serious and determined attitude, fighting for justice. Interestingly, their true power seems to be fueled by emotions and sentiments, emphasizing the significance of their friendships.
Granted Powers by an Adoptive Parent
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Shiki and Natsu share a striking similarity when it comes to the source of their power. Natsu received his abilities from Igneel, the fire dragon who not only adopted him but also bestowed him with his incredible power. On the other hand, Shiki's Gravity Ether Gear power was acquired through Ziggy, an android who took him in as his own.
Interestingly, both protagonists were taken in by adoptive parents and were gifted with their own unique abilities. It is worth mentioning that these adoptive parents belonged to different species, which means that Shiki and Natsu grew up without the presence of humans. This absence of human influence during their upbringing becomes more evident as they navigate their way through human relationships later on.
Possess Powers of a Bygone Era
Natsu and Shiki, the protagonists of their respective series, possess an unimaginable power that shares a few commonalities between them. Natsu, one of the few First Generation Dragon Slayers in the series, was taught the ancient and rare Dragon Slayer Magic by an actual dragon. This form of magic, which had become extremely scarce and even regarded as a myth by some due to the extinction of dragons 400 years ago, adds to Natsu's uniqueness.
Similarly, Shiki's power, known as Gravity Ether Gear, originates from the Dark Ages and holds a resemblance to Natsu's abilities. Whenever Shiki unleashes his power in battle, it catches his opponents off guard, as no one expects such a power from the forgotten past to resurface. Although Edens Zero has introduced a few other Gravity Ether Gear users, the fact that this power was believed to be extinct brings parallels to Natsu's Dragon Slayer Magic.
Obsession With Friends
The two main characters both possess a peculiar inclination towards establishing friendships and going to great lengths to assist strangers. Although Natsu's inclination may be more implicit, Shiki openly declares his ambition to make friends on numerous occasions. Initially, Shiki's motivation for departing Planet Granbell and exploring space was to encounter new individuals and forge human friendships.
While Natsu may not explicitly vocalize this sentiment, his demeanor also reflects this characteristic. His eagerness to embrace Lucy as a friend vividly demonstrates his willingness to form new connections and maintain his existing ones. Additionally, he takes extra measures to safeguard his friends and ensure their well-being.
An Irrational Fear
Both protagonists share a common unusual fear. Shiki is irrationally afraid of bugs and faints at the mere sight of one. This fear is frequently used for comedic effect in the series and holds little significance beyond that.
Similarly, Natsu harbors a fear connected to his Dragon Slayer powers. He suffers from intense motion sickness and becomes completely incapacitated whenever he boards any form of transportation. Interestingly, this fear also appears to have a psychological component, as Natsu can become sick even at the thought of being in a moving vehicle.
Edens Zero is available to stream on Crunchyroll.