The Downfall of Stephen Collins: The Dad From 7th Heaven
The rise and fall of Stephen Collins, the beloved actor known for his role as Eric Camden on 7th Heaven, is a tale of controversy, scandal, and the consequences of his actions. From a wholesome TV dad to a tarnished legacy, the story of Stephen Collins has shocked and saddened many fans. Here's a detailed look at what happened to Stephen Collins, the dad from 7th Heaven, and where he is now.
The Rise and Fall of Eric Camden
Stephen Collins, the actor best known for playing Eric Camden, the 7th Heaven dad, retired from acting in 2014 amid disturbing controversy. Airing for 11 seasons, the WB series followed Collins as Eric Camden, the father of seven children with his wife, Annie. Eric was a reverend at a Protestant church and had a sweet disposition that helped him gain a reputation as one of the most wholesome and caring TV dads.
Stephen Collins in 7th Heaven
However, since the show ended in 2007, details about Collins' off-screen life have come to light, damaging the legacy of the 7th Heaven dad and effectively ending Collins' acting career. Collins also starred in the long-running series Law & Order SVU in 2008 and had a role in the 1996 film The First Wives Club. Collins appeared in the 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture as Will Decker, a Starfleet officer assigned as captain of the USS Enterprise. On top of that, Collins has five Primetime Emmy Award nominations, with one win. Ultimately, his last credited role was in Avengers Assemble, where he voiced Howard Stark as Collins has not worked since after some dark allegations came out against the once-beloved actor.
Stephen Collins in 7th Heaven
Stephen Collins' Sexual Abuse Explained
In 2012, Collins revealed to his wife Faye Grant in a therapy session that he had molested several underage girls. However, Collins didn't know that the session was being recorded. Collins admitted to exposing himself to an 11-year-old girl and another girl around the age of 12 or 13. One of the girls was allegedly a relative of Grant's. While Grant reported the assaults in 2012, the tapes didn't leak until 2014.
Stephen Collins talking to his son in 7th Heaven
Collins openly admitted to what he said and even explained one of the stories on ABC News. Collins says he exposed himself to a young actress who was staying at his home after his wife had already gone to sleep. In 2015, 7th Heaven actress April Price claimed she was one of Collins' victims.
Eric and Annie look at each other in 7th Heaven
Where Stephen Collins Is Now
Collins remains pretty private these days and has left Hollywood behind. The actor moved to Iowa after the tapes leaked and is currently married to a 7th Heaven fan from Germany named Jenny Nagel. The two are working on healing Collins through meditation and therapy. While his career was demolished after he admitted to his actions, Collins never suffered any legal consequences. It's not clear what else the 7th Heaven star is up to these days since he's completely out of the spotlight, but it looks like the 7th Heaven actor will not be returning to his acting career.
Rose and Simon getting married in 7th Heaven