The Dilemma of Thickskin in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

The Dilemma of Thickskin in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Embark on a journey filled with tough decisions and moral dilemmas in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden as you face the dilemma of Thickskin's fate.


As you delve into the immersive world of Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, you will encounter a pivotal moment at the Hunters Camp that will test your moral compass and alter the course of the game.

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should you spare thickskin in banishers ghosts of new eden

Meeting Kate and Thickskin

At the Hunters Camp, you will come across the intriguing characters of Kate and Thickskin, whose complex relationship adds a layer of depth to the narrative. Kate, the steadfast sister, finds herself at odds with Thickskin's methods, creating a compelling dynamic between the two.

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kate apologizing to deborah in banishers ghosts of new eden

The Choice: Spare or Sacrifice Thickskin?

The pivotal decision of whether to spare or sacrifice Thickskin will weigh heavily on your conscience. While sparing her may seem like the compassionate choice, sacrificing her could have unforeseen consequences that impact the outcome of the game.

should you sacrfice thickskin in banishers ghosts of new eden

should you sacrfice thickskin in banishers ghosts of new eden

Choosing to spare Thickskin may lead to valuable rewards and closure for Kate, while sacrificing her could potentially aid in the resurrection of Antea. The choice is yours, but be prepared for the repercussions that follow.

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kate running away in banishers ghosts of new eden

The Consequences of Your Decision

After facing the Beast and making your decision regarding Thickskin, the aftermath unfolds with emotional turmoil and unexpected twists. Kate's reaction to your choice will be a poignant moment that resonates throughout the game, shaping the relationships and events that follow.

the beast quest rewards in banishers ghosts of new eden

the beast quest rewards in banishers ghosts of new eden

Rewards and Reflection

Regardless of your choice, the rewards for your actions will be substantial, but the impact on the characters and the narrative will be profound. Reflect on your decision as you navigate the intricate web of relationships and consequences in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden.


In a world where every choice matters, the dilemma of Thickskin in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden serves as a reminder of the complex moral landscape you must navigate. Embrace the challenges ahead and let your decisions shape the fate of the characters in this captivating game.