The definitive roadmap to aligning sales and marketing

The definitive roadmap to aligning sales and marketing

Increase sales and marketing synergy with this practical guide Discover how LexisNexis leveraged account-based advertising to achieve an impressive 18% boost in opportunity creation

LexisNexis achieved outstanding results through a multi-channel campaign that was bolstered by Terminus' capabilities in account segmentation, advertising, and attribution. The subsequent narrative outlines their strategic approach, testing methodology using control groups, and the remarkable outcomes they achieved.

The challenge:

Scenario: Pipeline gap in specialized law segment  

Objective: Test and prove the impact of account-based advertising  

Action: 12-week integrated account-based advertising and direct mail campaign 

The KPIs: 

Marketing win: Increased opportunity creation rates and successful proof of concept  

Sales win: Warmed accounts highly responsive to outreach entering sales cycle  

Ops wins: Demonstrating Clear ROI with an Integrated Account-Based Strategy

To gauge the efficiency of their advertising campaigns in boosting opportunity creation rates in their target market segment, Rob Willingham, Sr. Manager of Strategic Marketing, utilized the Terminus ABM Scorecard. The objective was twofold: first, to comprehend the impact of Terminus and second, to provide concrete evidence of a positive return on investment (ROI), effectively addressing the key challenge of substantiating the value of advertising influence.

LexisNexis focused on small law firms in the US and identified around 3,700 accounts as their relevant market. Through narrowing down customer attributes and engagement data, they refined their target account list to 2,500 firms.

To evaluate the effectiveness of display advertising in their account-based marketing (ABM) campaign, LexisNexis conducted a split test. They divided their ideal customer profile (ICP) list into two groups: a test group that received targeted ads via Terminus and a control group that did not receive any ads. The campaign spanned 12 weeks and included specific periods of emphasis before and after delivering gifts to the accounts. At the six-week mark, both groups received direct mail packages.

The test group exposed to Terminus ads before gift delivery experienced an impressive 18% increase in opportunities created compared to the control group. This demonstrates the effectiveness of Terminus in generating pipeline growth among target accounts. Even after the gift delivery, the test group continued to outperform the control group, resulting in a 6% increase in opportunities. Throughout the 12-week campaign, the combined impact of using Terminus account-based advertising alongside direct mail outreach led to an 11% increase in opportunities.

LexisNexis strategically aligned their messaging and landing page strategy with a specific product launch. They utilized dynamic HTML5 ads to direct the audience to a dedicated landing page that highlighted the product's unique value propositions. The campaign's success was greatly influenced by sales alignment and follow-up, as timely engagement and follow-up from sales representatives increased the likelihood of converting the opportunities generated.

LexisNexis achieved impressive results with their ABM program, powered by the Terminus ABM Platform. By effectively targeting their audience, they demonstrated the value and effectiveness of account-based advertising strategies. This successful partnership between LexisNexis and Terminus showcases the potential of ABM to drive growth, increase engagement, and deliver excellent results in targeted marketing.