The Definitive Ranking: Unveiling the Ultimate Lwaxana Troi Star Trek Episodes, From Worst to Best!
Lwaxana Troi's captivating character arc in Star Trek is explored through 9 memorable episodes, showcasing her complexity and growth
Lwaxana Troi is a polarizing character on Star Trek, known for her flamboyant outfits and personality.
Bringing levity to the show and serving as a contrast to the more serious characters on the Enterprise-D, Lwaxana is a standout presence. Undoubtedly, her best episode is "Half a Life," delving into profound themes and expertly displaying the depths of her character.
Ranked from worst to best, here are all nine Star Trek episodes in which Lwaxana Troi appears:
1. "The Child" (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
2. "Half a Life" (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
3. "Manhunt" (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
4. "Cost of Living" (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
5. "Ménage à Troi" (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
6. "Dark Page" (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
7. "Fascination" (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
8. "The Muse" (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
9. "The Forsaken" (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
9 "Manhunt" - Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 2, Episode 19)
8 "Haven" - Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 1, Episode 11)
: The comedic shenanigans of Lwaxana Troi often veer from harmless silliness to cringe-worthy moments, and none exemplify this more than the events of TNG season 2, episode 19, "Manhunt." During her visit to the USS Enterprise-D, Lwaxana reveals that she has entered the Betazoid equivalent of menopause, known as the Phase. In this stage, middle-aged Betazoid women experience an intensified sex drive, resulting in Lwaxana's persistent advances towards every man on the ship. Unfortunately, Lwaxana's behavior in this particular episode does not portray her in a favorable light, with none of the storylines reaching a satisfying resolution.Lwaxana Troi makes her first appearance in Star Trek during a lackluster episode in the rocky first season of TNG. However, amidst the disappointment, Majel Barrett's performance as Lwaxana stands out as one of the highlights. The storyline revolving around Deanna's arranged marriage mostly falls short, but Lwaxana manages to shine in her interactions with her daughter. It is always entertaining to see her unnerving the typically composed Picard. Barrett clearly revels in her role, and Lwaxana serves as a striking contrast to the Enterprise-D's more serious personalities.
7 "Ménage à Troi" - Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 3, Episode 24)
When the Ferengi are invited to a trade agreement on Betazed, Ferengi DaiMon Tog becomes infatuated with Lwaxana Troi. In his obsession, he abducts Lwaxana, Deanna, and Commander William Riker. To protect her daughter, Lwaxana plays along with the Ferengi. Eventually, Tog relents and returns Troi and Riker to the Enterprise after Lwaxana makes a promise to stay with him. The highlight of TNG season 3, episode 24 is when Captain Picard feigns love for Lwaxana, employing a mix of Shakespearean love quotes that amuses the bridge crew.
6 "Cost of Living" - Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 5, Episode 20)
Arriving on the Enterprise-D, Lwaxana Troi surprises everyone with her announcement of an upcoming wedding to an unknown man. Determined to have the wedding onboard the Enterprise, she encounters Deanna, who is busy mediating between Lieutenant Worf and his son, Alexander. Lwaxana takes Alexander to a holodeck program to help him unwind, resulting in heartwarming moments and some peculiarities (including a mudbath session). Sadly, this episode is further weighed down by the passing of Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, which amplifies Lwaxana's fears of loneliness.
5 "Fascination" - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Season 3, Episode 10)
Soon after Lwaxana Troi's arrival on space station Deep Space 9, the Bajoran Gratitude Festival ignites the celebratory spirit among its inhabitants. In a remarkable twist, the station's crew members deviate from their usual behavior by engaging in unexpected flirtations. Dr. Julian Bashir eventually unravels the enigma by diagnosing Lwaxana with Zanthi Fever, a Betazoid condition known to project emotions onto those around the infected Betazoids. Due to her growing affection for Constable Odo, Lwaxana involuntarily transmits these feelings to anyone in close proximity. Though she discerns Odo's affection for Major Kira Nerys, she solemnly pledges to maintain secrecy.
4 "The Muse" - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Season 4, Episode 21)
Lwaxana Troi arrives on Deep Space 9 pregnant with the child of Jeyal, a Tavnian man she had married. However, Jeyal, following his people's customs, insists on taking the child and raising him alone. Faced with this dilemma, Lwaxana flees to seek help from her friend Odo. To find a solution, Odo thoroughly examines Tavnian law and discovers a legal loophole that could enable Lwaxana to retain custody of her child. By marrying Odo, Lwaxana can annul her marriage to Jeyal and eliminate any claim he might have on their child. The bond between Lwaxana and Odo is truly extraordinary, even though Lwaxana harbors genuine romantic feelings for him while he remains devoted to Kira.
3 "Dark Page" - Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 7, Episode 7)
2 "The Forsaken" - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Season 1, Episode 17)
In the seventh episode of the seventh season of TNG, titled "Dark Page," Lwaxana pays a visit to the Enterprise, displaying an uncharacteristically subdued demeanor. Unexpectedly, Lwaxana slips into a coma, prompting Deanna to seek the assistance of a visiting telepathic species in delving into her mother's subconscious. During this exploration, Deanna uncovers a buried secret that Lwaxana had kept hidden in her memories. Heartbreakingly, she learns that she once had an older sister named Kestra, who tragically drowned in her childhood. Overwhelmed by grief, Lwaxana had erased all recollections of her firstborn. Remarkably, years later, Deanna and Will Riker would honor the memory of Kestra by naming their own daughter after her, Kestra (played by Lulu Wilson).
Upon Lwaxana Troi's arrival at Deep Space 9 as a Betazed diplomat, her attention is immediately captivated by Constable Odo. Unexpectedly confined together within a malfunctioning turbolift, Odo gradually unveils snippets of his personal history to Lwaxana. As their encounter progresses, Odo starts reverting to his liquid state, prompting him to evade Lwaxana's presence since only a Bajoran scientist had ever witnessed his transformation. In response, Lwaxana fearlessly dispenses with her wig and draws attention to the fact that she, too, remains unseen in such a vulnerable state. This poignant moment reveals the tender heart concealed beneath Lwaxana's flamboyant ensembles and larger-than-life persona. Eventually, as Odo becomes unable to maintain his solid form, Lwaxana expertly collects his liquid essence within the cascading folds of her dress.
1 "Half a Life" - Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 4, Episode 22)
TNG season 4, episode 22, "Half a Life," stands out not only as Lwaxana Troi's finest moment, but also as a remarkable installment of Star Trek. Dr. Timicin, a scientist hailing from an isolated world, boards the Enterprise with a mission to save his dying sun. Lwaxana takes it upon herself to keep the despondent scientist entertained, and they unexpectedly develop feelings for each other. However, Timicin regrets not meeting Lwaxana earlier. Distressed, he discloses that the people of his planet, Kaelon II, partake in a ritual called the Resolution upon turning 60, in which they take their own lives.
Devastated and infuriated by this revelation, Lwaxana attempts to persuade Timicin to abandon his planet and live a different life. Yet, she gradually comprehends the profound significance of the Resolution to Timicin and his society. In a poignant turn of events, he confesses his love for her, prompting her to accompany him to the planet for his solemn ceremony. "Half a Life" not only adds depth to Lwaxana's character, but also handles weighty subjects with sensitivity and intelligence. While opinions among Star Trek enthusiasts may vary when it comes to Lwaxana Troi, Majel Barrett's portrayal infused the character with genuine emotion, solidifying her status as a true Star Trek icon.