The Dark Side Unleashed: The Unfathomable Power That Threatens to Overwhelm the Jedi

The Dark Side Unleashed: The Unfathomable Power That Threatens to Overwhelm the Jedi

The Jedi's ultimate nemesis emerges: The Nameless, an unstoppable force that strikes fear into the hearts of even the most powerful Jedi Brace yourself as the Jedi confront their most terrifying threat yet


In "Star Wars: The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness," the Nihil Occlusion Zone and the Nameless pose significant threats to the Jedi Order.

Jedi Master Elzar Mann wrestles with the anguish of losing his friend and an overwhelming sense of despair, yet he persists with an unwavering resolve.

The resolution of the Nameless predicament holds immense significance for the Jedi's triumph, as these enigmatic and lethal beings embody their deepest apprehension.

Star Wars: The High Republic enters Phase III with George Mann's The Eye of Darkness in November. Taking place one year after Phase I, the destruction of Starlight Beacon and the domination of the Outer Rim by the Nihil are apparent. The Nihil Occlusion Zone, guarded by the Stormwall technology, bars entry from any external forces.

A portion of The Eye of Darkness, highlighting Jedi Master Elzar Mann, has been unveiled by Star Wars. Elzar is still grappling with the loss of his companion, Jedi Master Setllan Gios, who tragically perished on the Starlight Beacon. Conscious of the peril the Jedi face from the Nihil and the Nameless, Elzar's hope is waning. The third member of their trio, Avar Kriss, is somewhere lost deep within the Occlusion Zone, and Elzar fears she may have deliberately distanced herself. Despite Elzar's own doubts, a burning determination persists to restore balance.

The Nameless Are The Jedi's Greatest Fear

The Dark Side Unleashed: The Unfathomable Power That Threatens to Overwhelm the Jedi

Elzar believes that the Nihil are the Jedi's main adversary, but it is actually the Nameless who embody their deepest fears. These enigmatic beings, also known as "Force Eaters," possess the horrifying ability to mercilessly slay any Jedi or Force-user. In the presence of the Nameless, a Jedi loses their connection to the Force and is consumed by an overwhelming spiral of fear until they become nothing more than a lifeless shell.

Resolving the Nameless predicament is of utmost importance if the Jedi Order wishes to triumph. Although the Nihil will cause chaos in the Outer Rim for a while, their Stormwall can eventually be breached. However, once the Jedi cross over, they are completely defenseless against their enemies unless they can find a way to eradicate the Nameless. These monstrous creatures embody the greatest terror for the Jedi, and The High Republic aims to delve deeper into this terrifying phenomenon.

Star Wars: The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness releases November 14, 2023.