The Dark Secrets of Star Trek's Obsidian Order Unveiled

The Dark Secrets of Star Trek's Obsidian Order Unveiled

The Obsidian Order: Cardassia's formidable intelligence agency, known for its mastery of espionage and control from the shadows through skilled operatives like Garak

The citizens of Cardassia were constantly under the watchful eye of the Obsidian Order, making it one of the most terrifying organizations in Star Trek. What made them even scarier was their ability to operate secretly while collaborating with the government. With their high-ranking connections, they had complete control over every aspect of Cardassian society, including deciding what people could eat. Their methods were so effective that they could make individuals disappear if they made the wrong choices. Unlike the Cardassian Union, the Order didn't have to follow any rules or regulations due to their clandestine activities.

Operatives like Elim Garak had the authority to order assassinations and detain people indefinitely, all in the name of preserving the government's safety, which in turn protected the people. This symbiotic relationship between order and duty was perfect for a species that prioritized duty above everything else. However, the Order had a shady reputation and a dark history. It was fitting that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was the first to introduce this organization, as the series had a penchant for delving into complex subjects. While glimpses of the Obsidian Order's power and influence were shown, viewers were left wanting more, as their curiosity remained unsatisfied.

Security & Espionage

The Dark Secrets of Star Trek's Obsidian Order Unveiled

The primary objective of the Obsidian Order was not merely to instill fear in citizens regarding their breakfast choices. Similar to Section 31 in Star Trek, it was established that agents like Garak utilized covert methods to ensure the safety of Cardassians. This is why the Order possessed the freedom to employ any means necessary to accomplish their objectives. On paper, the Obsidian Order was accountable to the Detapa Council, which represented the Cardassian Civilian Government. It was meant to provide oversight and ensure that the Order remained accountable to the people.

However, in reality, Deep Space Nine unveiled that the Council had little authority over the Order, just as it had minimal influence over Cardassian Central Command. This situation deteriorated to the extent that Cardassians formed the Dissident Movement in an effort to restore power to the Detapa Council, as depicted in season 2, episode 18, "Profit and Loss." Yet, how does one challenge a military organization in a society deeply enamored with militarism? Furthermore, how does one resist a political adversary with the capability to eliminate opposition through targeted assassinations?

Missions of the Obsidian Order

Despite the possibility of organizations collapsing even in an idealistic future, the situation becomes more challenging when individuals courageous enough to voice their opinions can mysteriously vanish in an instant. Complicating matters further, the Obsidian Order purported to safeguard the interests of the Cardassians while covertly manipulating them for personal gain. This becomes evident through their actions during their active years.

The Dark Secrets of Star Trek's Obsidian Order Unveiled

Enabran Tain (Paul Dooley) was the mastermind behind the Obsidian Order, a powerful weapon in Deep Space Nine. In one of its pivotal missions in season 3, episode 5, "Second Skin," Tain and his operatives abducted Major Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor) and transformed her into Legate Tekeny Ghemor's (Lawrence Pressman) long-lost daughter. This sinister plot aimed to expose Ghemor as a collaborator with the Cardassian Dissident Movement. Had Ghemor been a true member of the movement disguised as a high-ranking military officer, spies like Garak would have ensured his demise.

In season 3, episode 15 of the show, called "Destiny," the Obsidian Order made another attempt to create tension between Bajor and Cardassia. They did this by sabotaging the USS Defiant's ability to handle a threat to the wormhole, which is also known as the Celestial Temple. However, the most significant mission that ultimately led to the downfall of the Obsidian Order took place in season 3, episode 21, titled "The Die is Cast."

During the Dominion War, the Order collaborated with the Romulan intelligence agency called the Tal Shiar. Their objective was to eliminate the Founders' Homeworld. However, there was one major challenge: Changelings can change their physical appearance to resemble anyone or anything, making it difficult to fight them. The situation worsened with the presence of the Jem'Hadar, their formidable counterparts. Now, the question arises, who were the allies of the Obsidian Order in this mission?

Notable Members

The Dark Secrets of Star Trek's Obsidian Order Unveiled

The Obsidian Order had an abundance of members. An organization of such significant political influence required spies to carry out its covert operations. Enabran Tain (played by Paul Dooley) guided the Order in maintaining power by proving its indispensability to the Cardassian government. While cultivating crucial connections, Enabran had to constantly be aware that his affiliation with the Obsidian Order made him a prime target. This may explain why he was particularly tough on his son Garak, who was viewed as a product of nepotism among his fellow spies.

Even after being banished from Cardassia and forced to live as a mere "simple tailor" on DS9, Garak was haunted by his father's shadow. Deep Space Nine delved into the troubled nature of their relationship throughout various episodes. However, Tain's demise in season 5, episode 14, titled "In Purgatory's Shadow," revealed the profound depths of these issues. Despite spending years belittling Garak, Tain's final moments were spent expressing pride in his son's unwavering determination.

The Dark Secrets of Star Trek's Obsidian Order Unveiled

Within the realm of Deep Space Nine, Tain boldly declared that the Order was a force to be feared by all. The ever-watchful eyes of the Obsidian Order were spread far and wide. Only those aligned with Central Command were able to elude their grasp. The Order hovered over the Cardassians like an ominous shadow, ensuring that they adhered to the societal boundaries imposed on them from birth. Emotions, familial bonds, and even the regulations of the very society it aimed to safeguard meant nothing to the Order. Its sole purpose was the accomplishment of its objectives, discreetly handling anyone who dared obstruct its path.

The Obsidian Order, a formidable faction in the Star Trek universe, continues to have a lasting impact. Amongst the numerous spies within the Order, Garak managed to successfully break free, unlike most of his comrades who met mysterious ends. Nonetheless, the specter of the Order continues to haunt Garak. These days, when it comes to discussing unsettling intelligence agencies in Star Trek, fans often mention Section 31 instead of the Obsidian Order. However, this doesn't diminish the Order's significance or the ongoing discussions it sparks. It simply means that those seeking answers will need to delve a bit deeper.