The Dark Secrets Behind Harry Potter's Acromantulas

The Dark Secrets Behind Harry Potter's Acromantulas

Discover the origins of Harry Potter's terrifying giant spiders, known as Acromantulas, and learn about the specific species featured in the series

The world of Harry Potter boasts a diverse range of creatures, from the awe-inspiring to the spine-chilling. Amongst the most notorious are the acromantulas, second only to the basilisk in terms of their terrifying reputation. Spiders have long been a part of global mythology, featuring in tales of trickery, like the West African character Anansi, or as outright terror-inducing creatures. In Western literature, giant spiders have captured the imaginations of fantasy writers for centuries, with iconic villains like Shelob and Ungoliant inspiring creatives across generations. While it's clear that the acromantulas of Harry Potter's universe are part of this wider arachnid mythology, the question remains: what exactly are they, and where do they come from?

What is an Acromantula?

The Dark Secrets Behind Harry Potter's Acromantulas

Acromantulas, giant and sentient talking spiders, are native to the Island of Borneo and often grow to the size of a cart-horse. However, some members of the species can exceed this size and reach up to eighteen feet in leg span, towering over fully grown elephants. Unlike other nonmagical spiders, Acromantulas are social creatures that prefer to live in large colonies led by the oldest male and female members. They share their prey, consuming anything that enters their territory. Female Acromantulas lay about a hundred eggs at a time, which take six to eight weeks to hatch. While it is unknown how large colonies grow in their natural habitat, the acromantula colony in the Forbidden Forest in the Scottish highlands numbered in the several hundreds. This may have been due to a lack of natural predators in the area, as the spiders were an invasive species.

Acromantula, a giant species of spider, has a formidable reputation in the wizarding world. It is said that their only known predator is the basilisk, a fearsome creature that can kill with just one glance. Acromantulas are known to fear basilisks above all other creatures, and they refuse to even speak of them. This fear may be due to their biology, as Acromantulas have eight eyes and a wide field of vision, making them particularly vulnerable to the basilisk's lethal gaze.

The Dark Secrets Behind Harry Potter's Acromantulas

Acromantulas are a perilous species that is highly feared in the Wizarding World. The trade of their eggs is strictly prohibited, leading to the immense value of their venom. Professor Slughorn once claimed that a single pint of venom, which could be produced by multiple large spiders, was worth 100 galleons in 1996.

The Dark Secrets Behind Harry Potter's Acromantulas

The presence of acromantulas in Hogwarts Legacy is not lost on players who have experienced the game's dangerous and impactful creatures. In fact, the spiders are so pervasive and frightening that developers added an arachnophobia mode post-launch, which transforms the menacing enemies into floating, bubble creatures with many eyes and roller skates. While some fans questioned their inclusion in the game due to the lack of reference to acromantulas in the original Harry Potter series, players are able to eradicate spider dens and hunt down three in-game acromantulas, ultimately addressing any concerns about continuity errors. Additionally, although Hogwarts Legacy's Forbidden Forest is home to giant spider dens, the in-game lore clarifies that they are not acromantulas but rather a distinct species known as "Thornbacks."

In the Harry Potter universe, it is reasonable to assume that there are multiple species of magical spiders, although the canon status of Thornbacks and their variations is currently unknown. However, the game does not diminish the uniqueness of acromantulas, as they are the only species shown to possess speech and higher intelligence beyond mere hunting instincts. Acromantulas are also featured as the main bosses in select mini-quests, with a noticeably distinct appearance from other arachnid enemies. They are larger, more spider-like in appearance, and possess more damaging combos, making them a formidable opponent.

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, readers were introduced to the acromantula through Hagrid's pet spider named Aragog. Hagrid was given an acromantula egg during his third year at Hogwarts, which he raised and named Aragog. Interestingly, the name Aragog combines the words "arachnid" and "gog," a Hebrew term for the leader of evil forces or an army in an apocalyptic battle.

When Voldemort, then known as Tom Riddle, opened the chamber and unleashed the deadly basilisk to kill Moaning Myrtle, he cunningly placed the blame on Hagrid and Aragog to prevent Hogwarts from shutting down. Tom's plan to confront Hagrid and use Aragog to his advantage failed when the spider escaped into the Forbidden Forest. As a result, Hagrid was unjustly expelled but with the help of Dumbledore, he was able to secure a job as Hogwarts' groundskeeper. This allowed Hagrid to continue taking care of Aragog, visiting him and providing him food until he became self-sufficient.

The Dark Secrets Behind Harry Potter's Acromantulas

Aragog, the leader of the massive acromantula colony in the Forbidden Forest, refused to reveal the identity of the basilisk to Harry Potter and Ron Weasley when they visited the colony in 1993. He explained that spiders feared the creature above all others and warned the boys that his children would not hesitate to feed on humans who entered their den. Despite his love for Hagrid, Aragog could not control his children's actions. Unfortunately, Aragog passed away during Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, leaving his children without a clear leader. During the battle of Hogwarts, Death Eaters forced the acromantulas out of their den, causing them to attack members of both sides, including Hagrid.

The acromantula, a fearsome spider known for its viciousness and cunning, was placed as the final obstacle next to the Triwizard cup in the center of the maze in the Harry Potter books. It is speculated that the spider was one of Aragog's brood, possibly captured from their den. Fans of both the book and film series, as well as players of Hogwarts Legacy, are well aware of the terror that these eight-legged monstrosities can bring. With the new Max original Harry Potter show, audiences will have the chance to come face to face with Aragog and his disgusting children, whether they are ready or not.

The Dark Secrets Behind Harry Potter's Acromantulas