The Dark Peril: Unveiling the Hazardous Side Effect in Future Destiny 2 Seasons

The Dark Peril: Unveiling the Hazardous Side Effect in Future Destiny 2 Seasons

Destiny 2's new fishing activity offers valuable insights for upcoming seasons to improve upon its flaws and enhance the overall gaming experience Learn how this activity impacts public events and encourages more content overlap


Fishing in Destiny 2 takes precedence over completing Public Events as it offers greater rewards and a more relaxed gaming experience. The conflict between fishing and public events has led players to hurriedly finish events to return to their beloved fishing sessions.

Destiny 2 should prioritize creating overlapping features for activities, rather than conflicts, in order to enhance player experience and rewards.

Currently, most players prioritize fishing over completing Public Events in Destiny 2, and this activity may be removed from the game. Moreover, even on the highest difficulty, Heroic public events are not particularly rewarding compared to fishing. This preference for fishing over public events is concerning, as it highlights a clash between these two activities. Moving forward, Destiny 2 should aim to avoid such clashes and instead focus on creating new content that overlaps with existing activities for the benefit of all players, beyond Season of the Deep.

Destiny 2’s Fishing Activity Puts Public Events in a Tough Spot

Rewriting the given

Engaging in fishing in Destiny 2 has become quite popular due to its relaxed nature and the decent rewards it offers in terms of loot. This activity has gained even more significance with the introduction of a new Exotic weapon that necessitates the capture of elusive fish. Guardians can boost their chances of obtaining better rewards while fishing by acquiring the Focused Fishing buff with the assistance of fellow players. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to maintain the Focused Fishing buff, regardless of their pursuit of the new Exotic weapon. However, the occurrence of Destiny 2's public events periodically disrupts fishing by temporarily preventing players from participating and resetting the Focused Fishing buff for everyone in the vicinity. This conflict has become increasingly troublesome with the addition of the quest for the new Exotic weapon, posing an important opportunity for future Destiny 2 content to learn and improve.

The Dark Peril: Unveiling the Hazardous Side Effect in Future Destiny 2 Seasons

The presence of fishing in Destiny 2 has had a significant impact on the approach of players towards public events. These events, which used to be upgraded to Heroic difficulty for better rewards, are now being hurried through quickly so that players can return to fishing. The duration of the fishing feature in Destiny 2 has not been officially stated. However, based on past content patterns, it is expected to retire either with the launch of the Final Shape expansion or at the conclusion of the Season of the Deep.

Although there is a workaround in place to lessen the impact of public events on fishing, it would have been more ideal if fishing and public events never clashed in the first place. Currently, public events are a hindrance to fishing in Destiny 2, as long as these two activities conflict with each other. However, there is still an opportunity to revamp fishing and eliminate the conflict with public events. Regardless, future Destiny 2 content should avoid this kind of conflict.

Destiny 2 Should Make More Features and Content Overlap With Each Other

Part of the appeal of completing bounties in Destiny 2 is the way they often overlap and allow players to maximize their rewards. These overlapping progression systems extend into other areas of the game and greatly influence players to engage in certain activities during weekly resets in order to make the most of their playtime. However, when there is a lack of overlapping progression or conflicts with other activities, it can deter players from participating, which is currently happening with fishing and public events.

There is a common complaint within the community about the slow and tedious nature of certain parts of Destiny 2's seasonal story content. Many progression requirements throughout these storylines force players to repeat previously completed activities, even when they could have been retroactive. In order to address this issue, Destiny 2 should focus on creating future activities and content that synergize with existing parts of the game, allowing for a more seamless and enjoyable experience.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
