The Current Pandemic of Frustration Faced by Overwatch 2 Tanks
Discover the disheartening reality for tanks in Overwatch 2 Explore the reasons behind the lack of tank players in Season 7, the overwhelming pressure they face in 5v5 matches, and the influential nature of the game's supports Dive into the challenges that await tank enthusiasts
Article Key Points
Tank players in Overwatch 2 are finding the role unsatisfying and less rewarding compared to other roles like support and damage.
The transition from the 6v6 format to 5v5 in the game has intensified the pressures faced by tanks, leaving them with a heightened reliance on their teammates.
In the game, support characters have gained significant influence, boasting abilities and statistics that hinder tanks' ability to make a substantial impact on battles and alter the course of a skirmish.
Season 7 of Overwatch 2 has been ongoing for a few weeks, but not everyone is satisfied despite the new content and patch notes introduced by Blizzard. Among players from all three roles, there is a prevailing belief that playing tank this season is unsatisfying, and there are two main factors contributing to this sentiment.
Fortunately, it appears that Blizzard is aware of the problem. Game Director Aaron Keller is actively addressing issues with the game on Twitter. However, despite these efforts, issues like the delay of the Roadhog rework are adding to the current dissatisfaction of tank players.
People Aren't Queuing for Tank in Overwatch 2 Season 7
Tanks Face Too Much Pressure in 5v5
Fewer players are choosing to play the tank role in Overwatch 2, leading to dissatisfaction among the gaming community. Many players express a dislike for the tank role, stating that they feel compelled to select meta heroes such as Sigma and Orisa for survival, rather than being able to enjoy characters with more agile movement, like Doomfist or Wrecking Ball. This sentiment is supported by the observation that the Top 500 leaderboards prominently feature Grandmaster players in the support and damage roles, while the tank role is mainly occupied by Master players.
Complaints mainly arise from Blizzard's decision to switch from the 6v6 format to 5v5, causing tank players in the hero-shooter to express their dissatisfaction with having to rely heavily on their team.
In the 6v6 format, tanks like Roadhog and Winston had more freedom to position offensively while the second tank defended their backline. However, when playing with a smaller team, misplays or being frequently countered can result in feeding the enemy team. Consequently, tanks often bear the brunt of blame for losses, particularly if the game ends swiftly. The constant labeling of tanks as the cause of defeat may be a significant deterrent for individuals wanting to queue for that role.
Overwatch 2's Supports Are Too Influential
In recent seasons, there has been a noticeable increase in the dominance of support players. This can be attributed to their passive self-regeneration, impressive damage statistics, crowd control abilities, and immortality tools such as Baptiste's Immortality Field and Kiriko's Protection Suzu. As a result, certain tanks have expressed frustration, as they often struggle to make a significant impact on the course of a fight, even after attempting to bait out abilities like Ana's Biotic Grenade or Bastion's Assault form.
However, there is a glimmer of hope with the release of the Mid-Season patch today. Support heroes such as Ana, Baptiste, Zenyatta, and Kiriko have all received adjustments to their abilities, which may contribute to improving the overall state of the game. In response to the October 31 patch notes, well-known Overwatch 2 Twitch streamer Flats tweeted "We are so back." Whether this patch can truly enhance the tank experience for the entire community is yet to be determined.
Overwatch 2 is currently available on various platforms, including PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Introducing Overwatch 2, Blizzard's innovative free-to-play first-person shooter. Experience a thrilling team-based gameplay with a mix of fresh faces such as the daring Junker Queen and the mysterious Sojourn, alongside beloved characters from the original title.
Franchise: Overwatch
Platform(s): PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Switch, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, PC
Release Date: October 4, 2022
Developers: Blizzard
Publishers: Blizzard
Genre: Shooter
Platforms with Crossplay Support: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Official Site: Click here
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Editor's P/S
As an avid fan of Overwatch 2, I am deeply concerned about the current state of the tank role. The transition from 6v6 to 5v5 has significantly increased the pressure on tanks, leaving them heavily reliant on their teammates for survival.
The dominance of support characters in Season 7 has further exacerbated the problem, making it even more difficult for tanks to make a substantial impact on the battlefield. The lack of tank players is a serious issue that Blizzard needs to address as it is detrimental to the overall health of the game.