The Chosen Earns Acclaim for Depiction of Notorious Bible Figure

The Chosen Earns Acclaim for Depiction of Notorious Bible Figure

While facing some recent criticism, The Chosen is receiving praise from fans for its portrayal of a significant 'villain' from the Gospels.

The Chosen has faced criticism recently, but fans have lauded its depiction of a significant character in the Gospels, who has typically been portrayed as a simplistic villain.

Dallas Jenkins is the creator of the series, which originated from a pilot named 'The Shepherd' focusing on the night of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem. Following its success, Angel Studios initiated a crowdfunding campaign for a multi-season series centered on Christ's life and teachings, ultimately becoming the most audience-funded project in television history.

It is believed that the show has reached 200 million unique users worldwide, including atheists, over four seasons. While some praise its exploration of scripture and Jesus' ministry, others have expressed concerns. Some critics have pointed out the omission of important stories like the transfiguration and accused the show of violating the Second Commandment.

Debates over the show's dramatic license are expected to continue in future seasons, especially as the story approaches the crucifixion and resurrection. Despite the controversies, one particular character in the show has received praise from viewers.

The Chosen fans praise portrayal of Judas

Angel Studios

Even if you’re not a Christian, you’ve probably heard (or at least have a vague idea) of Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus. In the series, he’s played by Luke Dimyan.

On The Chosen subreddit, u/bluelagoon789 shared their perspective on the portrayal of Judas in the show.

Judas' Portrayal in Christian Media

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In "The Chosen," Judas is portrayed as another apostle, which adds a layer of sadness as viewers witness his deep love for Jesus and the other apostles despite knowing his eventual betrayal. While Season 4 is hinting at this betrayal, it is expected to be a shocking moment for both the characters and the audience, intensifying the emotional impact of the storyline.

Some people share the same sentiment, with one individual expressing appreciation for the fact that Judas is not depicted as a stereotypical villain with obvious traits of betrayal. Despite Jesus' warning about betrayal, no one immediately assumed it was Judas; instead, they questioned if it could be themselves.

Another person echoed this sentiment, stating that they wholeheartedly agreed with the creative choices made in the writing and casting for the show, considering it to be one of the standout aspects of the series.

The final episodes of The Chosen Season 4 are currently showing in cinemas, offering a compelling and heartbreaking narrative that emphasizes the sacrifice of Jesus for all of humanity, including those who love and seek to follow Him.

If you're wondering how to watch these episodes and how long they will be playing in theaters, continue reading to find out more.

Editor's P/S:

The Chosen has sparked a captivating discourse on the portrayal of Judas, a figure often cast as a simple villain in Christian media. The show's nuanced depiction of Judas as a complex apostle with a deep affection for Jesus adds a profound emotional depth to the narrative. Viewers have praised the show's ability to humanize Judas, making his eventual betrayal a heart-wrenching moment.

While the portrayal of Judas has garnered widespread acclaim, the show has also faced criticism for its deviations from traditional biblical accounts. Critics have raised concerns about the omission of certain events and the potential violation of religious principles. However, the show's creators have defended their artistic license, arguing that it allows them to explore the characters and themes in a fresh and compelling way.
