The Brig in Starfield: An Unexplored Galaxy of Missed Opportunities

The Brig in Starfield: An Unexplored Galaxy of Missed Opportunities

Starfield, the groundbreaking RPG of the year, has captivated players with its awe-inspiring universe However, some fans believe that the potential of the brig, a significant element in the game, remains untapped


Despite the positive reception, some players feel that Starfield missed an opportunity with the brig, wishing for the ability to actually use it in the game.

Players have voiced their disappointment with Starfield's non-functional med bays, seeing them as missed chances. In expansive open-world games like Starfield, it is not feasible to incorporate every desired feature. Nevertheless, updates and mods can potentially provide solutions to address the aforementioned missed opportunities as per player feedback.

Despite being hailed as one of the top and most ambitious RPGs of the year, one Starfield player believes that the brig feature fell short, and it seems that many gamers share this sentiment. Starfield has received high praise for its extensive character and spaceship customization options, which incentivize players to showcase their creativity. However, this hasn't stopped gamers from suggesting improvements.

Since its release, Starfield has ignited discussions among critics and fans about the immense range of choices available to players. Moreover, gamers have demonstrated their imagination by constructing astonishing creations, such as a Starfield ship resembling the USS Enterprise or spacecraft reminiscent of Legendary Pokemon. Despite the overall positive buzz surrounding Starfield, a particular gamer has pointed out a missed opportunity.

Starfield player and Reddit user padster029 shared an image of a player locked up with the comment, "I hope we can actually utilize the brig in this way." The post has generated a significant response from other players who also express support for the idea of imprisoning NPCs in the brig. Many commenters express their desire for a bounty hunter mode or the ability to hold legendary enemies for ransom. Regardless, if a modder were to embrace this concept, it would likely be considered one of the top Starfield mods available.

Furthermore, Starfield reviews have generally been positive. The game offers the familiar sense of freedom and customization that fans have come to expect from RPGs developed by Bethesda, all within an ambitious science fiction adventure that allows players to explore literal galaxies. However, a small portion of the community appears to be somewhat disappointed that the brig serves only as a visual addition without any practical gameplay purpose.

Recently, a gamer expressed a popular opinion in the community regarding the missed potential of med bays in Starfield. While these bays can be added to ships in the game, they do not actually function to heal wounds. Rather, they are purely for aesthetic purposes, intended to enhance the immersive feel of the ships.

In ambitious open-world games, developers often face limitations in terms of time and resources, making it impossible to include all the intricate details that players may desire. This does not discount any valid criticism of the game, but it is inevitable that players will always find something they feel is lacking in their experience. Nevertheless, through the implementation of mods and updates developed by Bethesda, there is always potential to address what some perceive as missed opportunities.

Starfield is out now for PC and Xbox Series X/S.