The Boys Unleash Marie Moreau, the Unrivaled Supersonic Powerhouse (Leaving Homelander Behind)
Marie Moreau's Mind Control: The Ultimate Supersonic Power? Unveiling the potential dangers and her undeniable strength in The Boys Season 1
Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Gen V episode 8!
Article Overview
Marie Moreau possesses an unprecedented power, surpassing even Homelander's invulnerability and strength, establishing her as the most dominant supe in The Boys universe.
With her extraordinary mental prowess, Marie has the ability to cease a supe's heart instantly, resulting in their immediate demise. Consequently, this power bestows upon her the capacity to eliminate any supe, Homelander included.
Marie's blood-bending powers grant her unparalleled access to the internal workings of supes, establishing her as a highly valuable asset and significantly shifting the power dynamics within The Boys universe. In the season 1 finale of Gen V, it is revealed that Marie Moreau possesses a completely new ability, solidifying her position as the unequivocal strongest supe in The Boys universe, surpassing even Homelander. Despite Homelander being commonly regarded as the most powerful supe due to his invincibility and formidable strength as a Superman clone, the series has not yet delved into his vulnerabilities, which prevent him from being omnipotent. However, Marie Moreau possesses a power that surpasses all others, positioning her as the apex predator, as vividly portrayed in Gen V.
Marie Moreau Can Stop A Supe's Heart Using Her Mind
Gen V has finally arrived, marking the release of season 1 of the long-awaited spinoff of Amazon Prime Video's The Boys. This new installment offers a fresh perspective on the world of The Boys, zooming in on Godolkin University, a prestigious institution exclusively for supes. Gen V revolves around Marie Moreau, a supe with the unique ability to manipulate blood, who seizes the opportunity to enroll in this renowned Vought-run university. However, upon her arrival, Marie and her friends stumble upon a massive conspiracy orchestrated by Vought, concealed beneath Godolkin's seemingly perfect surface. As the adventure unfolds, Marie gradually hones her powers, eventually becoming the most formidable supe within The Boys universe.
Marie Moreau possesses an extraordinary ability that sets her apart as one of the most formidable supes within The Boys. Through the sheer power of her mind, she is capable of halting a person's heart. Originally, Marie harnessed her power by utilizing spilled blood as a means to launch devastating projectiles and unleash melee attacks. However, as the series progresses, she uncovers a previously unknown facet of her power: the ability to cease the flow of blood from an individual's wound. Astonishingly, she later discovers her capacity to manipulate blood while it remains within a person's body. This is exemplified when an inadvertent act causes Rufus' penis to explosively rupture due to blood rushing to that particular region. Consequently, speculation arises that Marie may potentially utilize her power to terminate the lives of supes by impeding their blood circulation.
Marie possesses the extraordinary ability to instantly eliminate a superhuman through the power of her mind. In the thrilling season 1 finale of Gen V, Marie engages in combat against numerous escaped supes. Notably, she induces a fatal heart attack in one of them, causing an immediate collapse and demise. This immensely formidable skill holds tremendous potential, considering that virtually all supes possess a heart and bloodstream. Thus, Marie could potentially eliminate any superhuman by this means, rendering her virtually unstoppable. While the extent of Marie's control over blood remains unknown, it is established that she can deliver a fatal heart attack to anyone.
Furthermore, Marie executes this tactic with astounding swiftness, achieving death in a mere second. Depending on the refinement of this skill, Marie could potentially operate even more swiftly, becoming an unparalleled force of destruction. Although encountering some challenges with certain supes, Marie undoubtedly ranks among the most formidable individuals within The Boys universe.
Marie Moreau Could Kill Homelander, Right?
Marie Moreau's innovative killing method suggests that she may have the ability to eliminate Homelander. Throughout the first three seasons of The Boys, the team's primary objective has been to discover how to kill an unkillable supe by uncovering Homelander's weakness. Previous hints have indicated that Marie possesses the capability to end Homelander's life. In season 3, Homelander reveals that Victoria Neuman, who shares the same powers as Marie, is unable to explode his head due to his impenetrable skin. This means that her strategy is ineffective.
Although Marie cannot explode Homelander, there is a possibility that she can kill him by manipulating the blood within his body. Similar to other supes, Homelander relies on biological functions to sustain his life. If Marie were to cease the flow of his blood or induce a severe heart attack, Homelander could perish, as his impenetrable skin does not shield him from his internal organs. Marie Moreau possesses the unique ability to access what lies beneath Homelander's skin, making her newfound power, demonstrated in the season 1 finale of Gen V, the perfect weapon against this villain.
Although Marie could easily kill Homelander, the real challenge lies in using her power on him. The fact that several supes witnessed Marie causing another supe to have a heart attack means that her power is no secret. It's unlikely that Homelander would want to come anywhere near her, and even if he did, Marie might not have enough time to eliminate him. Homelander's incredible speed allows him to swoop in and fatally harm Marie before she has a chance to react. In order to successfully kill Homelander, Marie would have to approach him undetected and induce a heart attack, which is an immensely difficult task to accomplish.
The Boys Season 1 Supports Marie's "Strongest Supe" Claim
While Gen V has never explicitly labeled Marie Moreau as The Boys' most powerful supe, evidence from season 1 supports this assertion. The series explains that the internal organs of most supes are vulnerable, making Marie capable of targeting Homelander. This is exemplified by the demise of Translucent in season 1, as Billy Butcher and Hughie successfully eliminate him by inserting an explosive into his rectum. Gaining access to the insides of supes appears to be the most effective method of their demise, and thanks to Marie's blood-bending abilities, she seems more than capable of overcoming this obstacle.
Marie Moreau's unique ability to access the inner workings of others makes her an incredibly valuable asset, one that many characters from The Boys will likely desire. It is certain that The Boys will seek to recruit her, as their primary method of eliminating supes has always involved accessing their internal systems since season 1. Additionally, this revelation suggests that Victoria Neuman possesses a similar level of strength, as she could alter her tactics from exploding heads to stopping hearts at any given moment. The power dynamics within the universe of The Boys have been permanently altered, and this remarkable transformation can be attributed to the introduction of Gen V's Marie Moreau.
Editor's P/S
In the highly anticipated spinoff series "Gen V," Marie Moreau emerges as an unrivaled supersonic powerhouse, leaving even the formidable Homelander in her wake. With her extraordinary mind control abilities, Marie possesses the ultimate weapon: the power to cease a supe's heart instantly, resulting in their immediate demise. This ability places her in a league of her own, surpassing Homelander's invulnerability and strength. As the most dominant supe in "The Boys" universe, Marie has the potential to eliminate any supe, including Homelander himself.
Marie's blood-bending powers grant her unparalleled access to the internal workings of supes, making her a highly valuable asset and significantly shifting the power dynamics within the universe. Her ability to manipulate blood while it remains within a person's body is particularly intriguing, as demonstrated when she inadvertently causes Rufus' penis to explosively rupture. This raises the unsettling possibility that Marie could potentially utilize her power to terminate the lives of supes by impeding their blood circulation, making her a formidable threat to even the strongest supes.