The Boys Shatter Superpower Stereotypes: Compound V's Astonishing Effects on All Ages

Unveiling the Truth: Compound V’s Impact on Adults in The Boys Series Breaking the myth of its effectiveness only in children, discover how The Boys challenges its own rules Is Compound V still a threat to adults in Season 4? Explore the answers now!
The Boys has raised questions about the effectiveness of Compound V, with contradictions suggesting it may only work on children. Throughout its run, the show has unveiled the secrets of Vought International, exposing how they secretly create superheroes. It has also revealed the origins of Compound V, traced back to a Nazi scientist in World War II. In season 3, a new version called Temp V was introduced, offering temporary superpowers but causing severe side effects. Despite these revelations, the history, origins, and effects of the Compound V serum remain shrouded in mystery and contradiction.
Compound V Is More Successful In Children (But Can Work On Adults)
The Boys Doesn't Always Follow Its Own Compound V Rules
In The Boys series, Compound V is depicted as having a strikingly different effect on adults and children. While adults who take the substance have a significantly lower chance of survival, it remarkably enhances the abilities of children. This stark contrast is puzzling considering that children are generally more vulnerable than adults and would be expected to experience more severe side effects. In one of the early episodes, Billy Butcher likens Compound V to steroids and describes it as a potent "booster" for individuals with superpowers, instantly elevating their abilities. This portrayal holds true for adult supes like A-Train and Popclaw, who not only use Compound V recreationally but also suffer dire consequences from overdosing on it.
Although The Boys establishes a low likelihood of Compound V working on adults, it seemingly contradicts this by portraying the survival of adult supes such as Kimiko and Soldier Boy. Both Kimiko and her brother, Kenji, received Compound V doses when they were older, yet they not only survived but also gained tremendous powers. It is possible that their shared genetic makeup contributes to Compound V's effectiveness in adults. However, the generally low survival rate among adult Compound V users still makes it improbable for both siblings to have survived.
Soldier Boy, like Stormfront, received the Compound V serum as an adult. Stormfront revealed in an episode of The Boys that the original Compound V serum was perfected to the point where it could be given to adults without any negative effects. This suggests that Stormfront and Soldier Boy may have received the original version of Compound V, explaining how they were able to survive taking it as adults. However, it is still unclear what happened to the purified original formula of Compound V, but it is possible that the quality of the product degraded after Vought acquired it and commercialized it.
It is likely that Vought decreased the production cost of the Compound V serum in order to allocate more resources to experimenting on the general population. Consequently, the serum became toxic for most adults and only suitable for infants. Another possibility is that Vought intentionally manipulated the original Compound V formula to secretly administer it to infants, giving the impression that they were born with superhuman abilities. This strategy would enable Vought to retain control over who becomes a supe and who does not.
Is Compound V Still Dangerous To Adults In The Boys Season 4?
In previous seasons, The Boys showed a flexible approach to portraying the effects of Compound V. However, a puzzling occurrence takes place in the final stages of season 3, where Victoria Neuman, who would not risk her daughter's well-being, provides her with Compound V. While the fate of Neuman's daughter remains unknown, it is likely that she will still be alive in season 4, potentially indicating a departure from the established limitations related to Compound V use in adults.
If it is true that Homelander had access to the original formula that grants adults superpowers without any negative consequences, then in The Boys season 4, there is a possibility that Billy Butcher and his crew may obtain permanent abilities and directly confront Homelander. Consequently, the constantly evolving nature of Compound V and its impact on adults would undoubtedly make The Boys season 4 even more thrilling and sinister.