The Boys Season 3 Drops Bombshell Hint: Jaw-Dropping Vought Link to Gen V's Supe Virus Exposed!

The Boys Season 3 Drops Bombshell Hint: Jaw-Dropping Vought Link to Gen V's Supe Virus Exposed!

The Boys Season 3 hints at a connection between Vought and Gen V's Supe Virus, setting the stage for a future without superheroes Discover the potential consequences of a contagious Supe Virus in Season 4


The Boys season 3 and Gen V season 1 are interconnected, with Gen V's Marie appearing in stolen files and a theory about her appearance in The Boys season 4.

Stan Edgar insults Homelander and predicts that Vought will exchange Supes for pharmaceuticals, indicating the emergence of Temp-V as an alternative to superpowers. The presence of the highly contagious virus in Gen V might have consequences for The Boys season 4, as Marie's ability to manipulate blood could potentially hold the solution to the virus and help protect her fellow Supes.

Spoilers lie ahead for Season 1, Episode 6, "Jumanji," of Gen V and Season 3 of The Boys. The third season of The Boys has already hinted at a potential connection between Vought and Gen V's plotline involving the virus that kills Supes. The interconnectivity between the two series is no secret, as evidenced by Gen V's protagonist, Marie Moreau, appearing in Hughie's stolen Red River Institute files in The Boys' third season. This Easter egg has sparked a theory about Marie's appearance in The Boys' fourth season, particularly as the spinoff further showcases the extraordinary potential of Marie's blood manipulation powers. However, Marie is not the only clear link between the two shows.

In Episode 6 of Gen V, titled "Jumanji," Dr. Edison Cardosa, a researcher at The Woods, conducts a test on a young woman with electrokinetic abilities using a virus that targets Supes. During the test, the subject named Betsy experiences flu-like symptoms, but the virus also weakens her superpowers. Intrigued by this development, Dean Shetty requests Cardosa to increase Betsy's exposure to the virus. In the end, Betsy dies due to the Supe-specific virus, prompting Dean Shetty to unveil her shockingly evil plan: to make the virus contagious. Shetty's desire for a contagious virus that kills Supes has significant implications not only for the characters in Gen V but also for those in The Boys.

Stan Edgar Calls Homelander A "Bad Product" In The Boys Season 3

The Boys Season 3 Drops Bombshell Hint: Jaw-Dropping Vought Link to Gen V's Supe Virus Exposed!

In The Boys, Homelander, the seemingly invincible leader of The Seven, Vought's renowned superhero team, faces an unexpected fear in the form of Stan Edgar, the ousted former CEO of Vought. Edgar not only challenges Homelander's supremacy but openly humiliates him on multiple occasions. This confrontation reaches a crescendo in The Boys season 3, episode 4, "Glorious Five-Year Plan."

During their heated exchange, Stan Edgar delivers a cutting blow to Homelander's ego: "You are not a deity," the corporate executive asserts. "You are merely a defective product." Edgar predicts a future where Vought will trade in Supes for pharmaceuticals. This concept is reinforced by Vought's creation of Temp-V (V24), a modified version of Compound V that grants temporary superhuman abilities. With Vought constantly struggling to contain the chaos caused by traditional superheroes, it becomes logical for the company to shift its focus towards heroes who can activate and deactivate their powers with the use of Temp-V.

Gen V's Virus & The Boys' Temp-V Tease A Future Without Supes

The Boys Season 3 Drops Bombshell Hint: Jaw-Dropping Vought Link to Gen V's Supe Virus Exposed!

Vought's success in The Boys' world can be attributed to two key factors: their ability to exert control and their willingness to adapt to changing times. Rather than dealing with the difficulties of managing Supes' mistakes and egos, Vought would prefer to hand-pick when, where, and who becomes a superhero. This approach, specifically with Temp-V, appears to be the future of Vought, especially considering Edgar's pharmaceuticals hint.

If Vought is not interested in personally selecting Supes, Temp-V could become the preferred drug among the public. Regardless, Vought desires to maintain control. This ominous Supe-targeting virus, introduced in Gen V, serves as a means to keep their hand-picked Supes in check. It also allows Vought to manipulate rogue Temp-V users and potentially exert influence over the global population, depending on the drug's commercial success. In any case, the contagious Supe virus provides Vought with the ability to eliminate The Boys' "bad products."

How A Contagious Supe Virus Would Impact The Boys Season 4

The Boys Season 3 Drops Bombshell Hint: Jaw-Dropping Vought Link to Gen V's Supe Virus Exposed!

The Boys season 4 is faced with the task of maintaining the continuity established in Gen V's finale. This will involve a significant focus on the Supe virus and its impact on the storyline. While The Boys portrays non-Supes as the heroes, Gen V takes a different approach by making super-powered characters the protagonists. This dynamic would change if Dean Shetty, who carries a virus capable of killing Homelander, were to appear in The Boys - she would likely be seen as a hero.

The interplay between the two series is fascinating, particularly when considering Marie's ability to manipulate blood. In episode 5 of Gen V, Marie demonstrates her ability to extract things from her blood, such as Shetty's tracker. If Cardosa's virus specifically affects the Supes by targeting the Compound V in their bloodstreams, Marie could hold the key to saving her peers. However, extracting the infected Compound V would come at a great cost. It is possible that the Supe-killing virus could force Homelander and others to make a difficult choice in The Boys season 4 - between dying as a god or living as a powerless individual.