The Big Bang Theory: Unraveling the Mysterious Enigma of Bernadette
Unraveling Bernadette's enigmatic transformations in The Big Bang Theory: Unexplained voice alteration, prolonged pregnancy, absent siblings, perplexing family secrets, surprising relationship rumors, contrasting 'me-time' beliefs, evolving from timid to aggressive, unexpected career choices, a controlling mother, and a paradoxical religious stance
Over time, Bernadette's voice underwent a transformation, losing its squeaky quality without any discernible reason.Furthermore, Bernadette's pregnancy lasted significantly longer than the conventional nine months, which raised concerns regarding the continuity.
Bernadette's character inconsistencies are evident in her transition from being timid to becoming a bully, as well as her decision to continue working at The Cheesecake Factory despite actively pursuing her Ph.D. Despite these inconsistencies, Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz from The Big Bang Theory brought a much-needed fiery personality to the show when she appeared in season 3. Portrayed brilliantly by Melissa Ivy Rauch, Bernadette fearlessly voiced her opinions and skillfully tamed the womanizing tendencies of Howard Wolowitz. Additionally, she successfully earned her Ph.D. in microbiology, achieving her lifelong dream of becoming a scientist.
Over the course of 12 seasons, the characters in The Big Bang Theory underwent personal growth and transformation while encountering various challenges and breakthroughs in life. While these changes often brought positive outcomes, they also gave rise to inconsistencies and continuity issues. With a dedicated and meticulous fan base, The Big Bang Theory garnered a cult following where every detail is meticulously fact-checked and scrutinized, making any discrepancies in the show's continuity even more evident. Despite being a supporting character, Bernadette's portrayal in The Big Bang Theory left many perplexed.
Bernadette's Voice Lost Its 'Squeak' Over Time
Bernadette made her debut on The Big Bang Theory during season 3, episode 5 titled "The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary." In this episode, Leonard promised to set up Howard on a blind date with someone from Penny's circle of friends. That someone turned out to be Bernadette. Both Bernadette and Howard found common ground through their shared experience of having dominant parents. Initially, Bernadette was portrayed as a caricature with a distinct high-pitched, squeaky voice. However, as her character developed and appeared more frequently on the show, her squeaky voice gradually disappeared without any explanation provided.
Bernadette Was Pregnant For Almost A Year
Bernadette became pregnant with her first child, Halley, during the events of "The Valentino Submergence" in season 9, episode 15, which aired around Valentine's Day. The exact stage of Bernadette's pregnancy at that time was not specified, but it can be inferred that it was in the early stages since she and Howard had only recently found out. Interestingly, Halley's birth occurred in "The Holiday Summation," which aired as the twelfth episode of season 10, indicating that she was born during the Christmas holidays. Assuming the continuity of the information provided in these episodes, it can be deduced that Bernadette carried her pregnancy for a significantly longer duration than the typical nine months.
Bernadette Had Five Siblings But They Never Showed Up
From the start of Howard and Bernadette's relationship, she revealed her aversion towards children due to growing up with five siblings. Given the size of her family, it seemed inevitable for her siblings to make an appearance at some point in the series. Surprisingly, this never came to fruition. Considering that her parents resided nearby, it is reasonable to assume that her siblings would also be in proximity. While it is possible that her siblings relocated from their hometown, it is baffling that they were absent from Bernadette and Howard's wedding in The Big Bang Theory season 5, episode 24, "The Countdown Reflection".
Bernadette's Mom Ran An Illegal Daycare Center Despite Working Full-Time
Before becoming a mother herself, Bernadette often had uncertain feelings towards children. In season 3, episode 14, "The Einstein Approximation," she revealed that her hesitation was rooted in her past experience assisting her mother with an illegal daycare. However, there is a discrepancy in Bernadette's statement. She mentioned that she had to help with the daycare because her mom was working full-time, yet it remains unclear whether Bernadette solely ran the illegal daycare or if her mother's full-time job was also related to child care.
Bernadette And Howard's Break-Up Rumor
In episode 20 of season 4 of The Big Bang Theory titled "The Herb Garden Germination," whispers began circulating about Bernadette's potential breakup with Howard. Amy and Sheldon were fascinated by the gossip and developed their own theories on the nature of rumors; however, the uncertainty surrounding Bernadette and Howard's relationship remained. In a surprising turn of events, Howard demonstrated personal growth by proposing to Bernadette, leaving the gang astounded. Their shock only escalated when Bernadette accepted his proposal. Curiously, the subject of a potential breakup was never addressed again, leaving viewers uncertain whether it was merely a rumor or if Bernadette had indeed experienced a change of heart.
Bernadette's "Me Time" Could Be Hypocritical
At the inception of Howard and Bernadette's relationship on The Big Bang Theory, she appeared to be delighted by Howard's jokes and embraced his idiosyncrasies. However, as the series progressed, her outlook shifted, and she often found him irritating. Following their marriage, the couple frequently clashed over Howard's excessive time spent with his friends. Nevertheless, in season 12, episode 7, "The Grant Allocation Derivation," Bernadette resorted to deception, fabricating excuses for returning home late from work. In actuality, she would indulge in wine within Halley's playhouse situated in the backyard. If Bernadette yearned for solitude, she might have empathized with Howard's similar inclination.
Bernadette Changed From Meek To Bully
In season 5, episode 11, "The Speckerman Recurrence," Bernadette and Amy had a heart-to-heart conversation with Penny regarding her past. They explicitly pointed out that Penny embodied the type of woman Amy and Bernadette had feared during their high school years. Bernadette compelled Penny to acknowledge this fact and offer an apology, ultimately leading Penny towards personal growth and transformation. Irony struck as Bernadette gradually transformed from a shy and introverted individual to a bully, tormenting not only her boss, co-workers, and Howard, but anyone within her reach. The situation reached its peak when Penny confronted Bernadette about her behavior in season 8, episode 10, "The Champagne Reflection," causing Bernadette to shed tears. However, despite the confrontation, there was no evidence of any behavioral change in Bernadette.
Bernadette Continued To Work At The Cheesecake Factory
One of the distinctive characteristics of Bernadette on The Big Bang Theory was her educational journey and the long path she took to obtain a Ph.D in microbiology. However, what did not seem logical was her decision to continue working at The Cheesecake Factory while pursuing her academic pursuits. Although the job at The Cheesecake Factory provided her with income to cover college expenses, it did not contribute anything substantial to her degree. Given her level of academic achievement, it would have been more sensible for Bernadette to seek employment in higher education, like many other graduate students often do.
Bernadette's Mom Picked Out Her Clothes
During a memorable first date in season 3, episode 5 of The Big Bang Theory titled "The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary," Bernadette and Howard engaged in a conversation about their overbearing mothers, finding common ground in their complicated family dynamics. At one point, Bernadette revealed that her mother still selected her outfits every day, despite the fact that Bernadette was already an independent adult with her own apartment and a student. This arrangement seemed implausible given her mother's demanding schedule, as Bernadette had previously described in other anecdotes.
Bernadette Was A Devout Catholic But Wasn't Married By A Priest
Since her debut on The Big Bang Theory, Bernadette consistently donned a cross necklace. It was evident from the start that her father's conservative ideals clashed with her relationship with Howard, a Jewish man. While Bernadette's Catholic faith held significant importance to her, she showed a willingness to set it aside on her wedding day. Surprisingly, both Bernadette and her father had no qualms about having Raj, Sheldon, Amy, Leonard, and Penny officiate the sacred ceremony instead of a priest.