The Best Recast We Ever Got in a Movie

The Best Recast We Ever Got in a Movie

A talented performer miscast in a crucial role, resulting in a disappointing performance

The Big Picture

The process of casting can be quite daunting, particularly in the case of renowned franchises such as The Mummy. Frequently, actors opt to depart in order to pursue alternative opportunities or because of conflicting schedules, necessitating the need for recasting.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor underwent significant changes, with Rachel Weisz and director Stephen Sommers leaving. These changes resulted in a film that felt disconnected from its predecessors and was negatively received. Maria Bello, who took over as Evie, lacked the chemistry and the same qualities that contributed to the success of the first two Mummy films. Her performance, along with the overall disappointing nature of the film, ultimately led to the franchise's decline.

The casting process in movies can be quite challenging. Finding an actor who truly embodies the character as written is often a struggle. However, an even bigger challenge is keeping that actor on board for future films, especially in popular franchises. Actors often leave due to other offers or scheduling conflicts, resulting in roles being recast. This issue has affected franchises of all sizes, including iconic ones like James Bond and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

One franchise that experienced a recast, which unfortunately did not work out well, was The Mummy trilogy. Directed by Stephen Sommers, the original film was released in 1999 and combined action and horror as treasure hunter Rick O’Connell, played by Brendan Fraser, and librarian Evelyn "Evie" O'Connell, portrayed by Rachel Weisz, fought against the resurrected sorcerer Imhotep, played by Arnold Voosloo.

The Mummy achieved significant financial success and garnered a cult following over the years, leading to the creation of a sequel, The Mummy Returns, which also performed well and contributed to Dwayne Johnson's rise as an actor. As a result, a third film was given the green light. However, significant changes were in store, starting with the departure of one of the franchise's major characters. Weisz did not return for The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, and Maria Bello was cast as Evie instead. Despite Bello's considerable talent, her portrayal of the character never quite resonated with the audience.

Why Didn't Rachel Weisz Return for the Third 'The Mummy' Movie?

The Best Recast We Ever Got in a Movie

Image via Universal

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor not only lost a star, but also one of its main creative forces, the director. Sommers chose not to direct the film as he had just finished another major monster movie, Van Helsing. He explained, "I've had enough of Mummy movies. Maybe there will be a third Mummy, but for now, I want to make a small film about two girls having a conversation on a beach." As a result, Rob Cohen, known for his work on The Fast and the Furious and xXx, was brought in to direct. The script, written by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, creators of Smallville, underwent several changes, with any potential connections to the previous two films being removed. This resulted in a stand-alone adventure rather than the concluding chapter of a trilogy.

These changes led to Rachel Weisz leaving the role of Evie O'Connell. The final version of the script did not meet her standards, and she was also unwilling to leave her son for a five-month shoot in China. This was not the first setback for the Mummy franchise; Brendan Fraser had previously discussed the toll the stunt work took on him during his decade-long portrayal of Rick O'Connell. Cohen tried to alleviate concerns regarding Maria Bello's casting, stating that her version of Evie would be more action-oriented. However, this turned out to be false hype.

How Are Maria Bello & Rachel Weisz's 'The Mummy' Performances Different?

The Best Recast We Ever Got in a Movie

Image via Universal Pictures

The runtime of Tomb of the Dragon Emperor was plagued with multiple issues, including the portrayal of Jet Li's titular villain. The Emperor lacks the charisma and menace that Imhotep possessed, instead appearing as a generic doomsday antagonist. Additionally, his martial arts skills are unfortunately underutilized throughout the film. Compounding the problem is the casting of Luke Ford as Alex, the son of Rick and Evie. Ford's performance lacks the charisma and depth, depicting Alex as a brooding, macho individual, a stark contrast to the bright and inquisitive boy he was in The Mummy Returns. Another drawback is Maria Bello, who, while not the worst part of the film, fails to possess the chemistry with Fraser that was vital to the success of the first two Mummy films. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz's characters had a natural and captivating chemistry that developed gradually over the course of the initial Mummy film, influencing each other positively. Rick's character grew more gentle because of Evie's influence, while she became more brave, leading to their union and shared determination to rescue Alex in The Mummy Returns. In contrast, Maria Bello's portrayal lacks the same inquisitive and gentle qualities that Weisz brought to the character, resulting in a lackluster romantic scene with Fraser that fails to capture the sparks present in the previous Mummy films.

'The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor' Was a Franchise Killer

The Best Recast We Ever Got in a Movie

Image via Universal

Fans and critics alike were never fond of Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, making it clear that it wasn't well-received. Despite initial plans for Bello to return in a future film and for Ford to have his own trilogy, those plans fell through. In an effort to revive its horror films, Universal decided to reboot The Mummy, but unfortunately, the critical response was once again negative and the movie was a box office failure. This ultimately led to the downfall of the planned "Dark Universe" and served as a harsh lesson for other studios attempting to create cinematic universes.

Over the years, Fraser has shown interest in reprising his role as Rick O'Connell in a future Mummy film. However, he has diplomatically referred to The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor as "the elephant in the room," without placing blame on any particular person, including Bello. Bello, on the other hand, has pursued supporting roles in other films and has even ventured into producing and developing the story for The Woman King. The truth is, she simply wasn't the right fit for the role. Weisz played a significant role in shaping the character of Evie, from her intelligence to her distinct eyebrows. This is something that neither a recast nor a resurrection can alter.

The Mummy: The Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is available to rent on Amazon in the U.S.