The Astonishing Transformation: Hawaii Refuge Stunned by Magenta Waters

The Astonishing Transformation: Hawaii Refuge Stunned by Magenta Waters

The Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge in Hawaii has taken on a mesmerizing shade of magenta due to extreme drought conditions and the presence of vibrant bacteria Witness the stunning transformation of its waters in this extraordinary phenomenon

The water at the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge in Hawaii resembles a scene from a fairy tale. Officials confirm that the water has been a vibrant pink color since at least October 30, attributed to the heightened salt levels resulting from an intense drought. Analysis by the University of Hawaii indicates that halobacteria is responsible for the pond's striking magenta appearance, as reported by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Halobacteria, single-celled organisms, flourish in highly saline water bodies such as the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea. These bacteria are classified as extremophiles due to their remarkable ability to survive in such harsh environments, where the salinity of the water is twice that of seawater, as affirmed by Fish and Wildlife.

The term "Kealia" translates to "salt encrustation" and currently, the salinity of the ponds has escalated well beyond normal levels due to Maui's severe drought conditions. The entire island is experiencing severe or worse drought, as indicated by the US Drought Monitor. The region where the Kealia Pond refuge is situated is subjected to an extreme drought, which ranks as the second-worst on the Drought Monitor's severity scale.

The Astonishing Transformation: Hawaii Refuge Stunned by Magenta Waters


The Waikapu Stream transports water from the West Maui Mountains to Kealia Pond. However, it also traverses a region experiencing extreme drought. As a result, the decreased inflow of freshwater into the pond has elevated salt concentration, creating an ideal environment for the vibrant halobacteria. The severity of the drought on Maui County, encompassing various islands, has escalated to the point where approximately 90% of the area is affected. This situation has been exacerbated by a devastating wildfire in Lahaina during August.

Scientists are continuing to investigate the impact of the climate crisis on Hawaii, and they have determined that as the global temperature rises, drought conditions will worsen, even in tropical regions like this.

The Astonishing Transformation: Hawaii Refuge Stunned by Magenta Waters

The Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge on November 8.

Leslie Diamond/AP