The Astonishing Power of AI: Unveiling the future of Entertainment with Creator Gareth Edwards

The Astonishing Power of AI: Unveiling the future of Entertainment with Creator Gareth Edwards

Gareth Edwards envisions the positive impact of AI in the entertainment industry Discover how AI can be a transformative force for good in enhancing entertainment experiences


Artificial intelligence is inevitable in the entertainment industry and the guilds are fighting for control over its use, rather than banning it.

Gareth Edwards envisions that AI will revolutionize the film industry, akin to the influence of digital effects, and democratize filmmaking by empowering individuals to create remarkable works without substantial financial resources. Nonetheless, it is crucial to establish protective measures to prevent industry professionals from being displaced by AI technology.

Gareth Edwards, director of The Creator, shares his insights on the role of artificial intelligence in the entertainment industry. Having explored the concept in his film, which explores moral and ethical questions, Edwards offers a unique perspective. The Creator presents a dystopian world where humanity battles AI robots, specifically fearing a child-like weapon.

During an exclusive interview with Screen Rant about The Creator, Edwards also discusses the future of artificial intelligence in entertainment. He believes it will inevitably become a significant part of the industry, explaining why industry guilds are fighting for influence on its usage. Moreover, Edwards predicts that artificial intelligence will usher in a new era in cinema, akin to the impact of digital effects. To read Edwards' full statement, see below.

Gareth Edwards believes that AI will become an integral part of the entertainment industry, much like computers did 30 or 40 years ago. He emphasizes that no one wants to ban AI, but rather have control over it. He predicts that AI will be a powerful tool that has the potential to democratize filmmaking. Edwards draws a parallel between the impact of digital effects on cinema before and after Jurassic Park and suggests that there will be a similar divide in the industry with AI. He envisions a future where even young individuals with limited resources can create impressive films, similar to the creative explosion in music that occurred with the invention of the electric guitar. Edwards remains optimistic about the positive potential of AI in filmmaking.

Note: This piece was written during the 2023 WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, and the movie covered here would not exist without the labor of the writers and actors in both unions.

Gareth Edwards Shares His Hopes AI's Place In The Entertainment Industry

The Astonishing Power of AI: Unveiling the future of Entertainment with Creator Gareth Edwards

The entertainment industry, particularly the WGA and SAG-AFTRA, has been greatly affected by the rise of artificial intelligence. There are concerns regarding the language used that implies the possibility of studios rendering the creators themselves redundant through the use of this technology. The fear of job displacement by artificial intelligence is not a novel one.

Used correctly, artificial intelligence can be a significant advancement in technology, similar to other groundbreaking moments in filmmaking. Edwards' optimism about its potential to create more opportunities, particularly for younger filmmakers, may pave the way for a new generation of creators to bring their stories to life. The Creator offers a unique perspective after extensive research on artificial intelligence and the various perspectives regarding its use.

Although it is likely inevitable that artificial intelligence will have a larger role in the entertainment industry, it is essential to establish safeguards to protect the individuals who are essential to the industry's success. Jurassic Park revolutionized special effects, and while The Creator may not have the same impact on AI, it has the potential to change how the world perceives it, especially during a time of technological fear. While artificial intelligence will become a part of the equation, it is crucial to ensure that people do not lose their jobs as a result.