The Astonishing Fate of the Skrulls' Home Planet in the MCU

Unveiling the Tragic Fate of Skrullos: The Devastation of the Skrulls' Homeworld in the MCU Explore the cataclysmic events during the Kree-Skrull War and discover the precise moment when Skrullos met its heartbreaking demise
Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for episode 2 of Marvel's Secret Invasion.
In episode 2 of Marvel's Secret Invasion, we learn more about the destruction of Skrullos, the home planet of the Skrull race. The peaceful era established by Nick Fury has come to an end as a result of a grand plan orchestrated by a Skrull named Gravik. Gravik, who has been given the rank of Skrull General and has forced Fury's ally Talos into exile, aims to provoke nuclear war between the United States and Russia while also empowering his own kind to take over Earth.
Nick Fury and Talos find themselves on the run in this episode, following a bombing in Moscow and the death of Maria Hill. This situation presents an opportune moment for Talos to reveal what really happened during the Blip, a period when Fury was absent. Talos confesses that he called upon Skrulls from across the galaxy to seek refuge on Earth, a decision Fury would not have sanctioned. This revelation confirms Fury's suspicions and prompts him to question Talos about the destruction of Skrullos and the fate of their original home.
How Skrullos Was Destroyed In The Kree-Skrull War
During a train journey, Talos affirms that the Kree Empire overpowering the Skrulls on Skrullos caused them to flee their home planet. The remaining million Skrulls scattered across the galaxy as the Kree Empire annihilated their world. Since then, they have been hunted down and killed as refugees, desperately searching for a new home after being promised assistance from Fury and Captain Marvel for years.
The revelation that comes next is that the majority of the fleeing Skrulls were actually summoned by Talos during the Blip. Talos had kept this information hidden from Fury, even upon his return (although Fury is aware now). While there are some Skrulls residing in a colony led by the newly mentioned "Skrull Emperor Drogge," Talos confirms that nearly a million Skrulls currently reside on Earth. Thus, there are far more Skrulls on Earth than previously believed, including by Fury himself.
When Was Skrullos Destroyed In The MCU Timeline?
The danger posed by Gravik's ability to rally his fellow Skrulls and incite them to take over Earth from humanity cannot be underestimated. The Skrulls, no longer satisfied with waiting for unfulfilled promises, are now at risk of repeating history. It was the Skrulls' unwavering eagerness to engage in a war against the Kree that ultimately led to the loss of their home planet, Skrullos. This very scenario is now feared to be unfolding once again on Earth, under Gravik's leadership.The exact date of the destruction of Skrullos on the MCU timeline remains unknown. However, it is clear that it occurred before the events of Captain Marvel in 1995. The Skrulls were already displaced, seeking refuge on Torfa, a planet on the Kree border, when the movie began. The relationship between Talos, a Skrull leader, and Fury, a human, seemed strained, reflecting the potential difficulty of coexistence between Skrulls and humanity. As the Secret Invasion storyline develops, it will be intriguing to uncover the fate of the Skrulls, who are left without a homeland following the destruction of Skrullos.