The highly anticipated anime adaptation of the popular light novel series, The Apothecary Diaries, will premiere on October 21, 2023. Directed by Makoto Katō and animated by Diomedea, the production team has recently released a final trailer showcasing both the captivating opening and closing themes.
The series includes an opening theme performed by the band Ryokuoushoku Shakai, as well as an ending theme performed by Aina the End. These songs are featured in the trailer, giving fans a glimpse of the exciting music that will enhance their viewing experience.
The Apothecary Diaries anime trailer features opening theme Hana ni Natte and ending theme Ai Kotoba
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The content fragment
The official trailer of The Apothecary Diaries showcases an array of captivating elements, such as its breathtaking animation, enchanting songs, intricate storyline, and richly developed characters.
Both the opening and ending themes of The Apothecary Diaries are invigorating and captivating, guaranteed to enhance the overall anime experience. The opening theme, "Hana ni Natte" by Ryokuoushoku Shakai, is a spirited and inspirational song that beautifully captures Maomao's unwavering determination and resilience.
The ending theme, however, "Ai Kotoba" by Aina the End, presents a contemplative and soothing melody that delves into the profound connections Maomao forms with her loved ones.
Both tracks in the anime demonstrate exceptional production and performances. The opening and ending themes heighten the overall ambiance of the series, providing viewers with a truly immersive experience.
Cast, plot, and other details revealed in official trailer of the anime
The brief excerpt further accentuates Maomao's intelligence, unwavering determination, and compassion. The protagonists, Maomao and Jinshi, are brought to life by the talented voice actors Aoi Yuki and Takeo Otsuka, respectively. This stellar cast is joined by additional voice actors who add to the already impressive lineup.
Aoi Yuki as Maomao
Takeo Otsuka as Jinshi
Katsuyuki Konishi as Gaoshi
Atsumi Tanezaki as Gyokuyou
Yui Ishikawa as Lihua
Hina Kino as Lishu
Yuko Kaida as Ah-duo
Misaki Kuno as Xiaolan
Kenji Akabane as Lihaku
Megumi Han as Maamei
Ami Koshimizu as Pairin
Hiroki Nanami as Joka
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Get ready for an electrifying and captivating anime series based on The Apothecary Diaries. This thrilling story revolves around a strong and determined female protagonist, Maomao, as she showcases her exceptional skills in pharmacy. Join her on her journey to uncover mysteries and protect her loved ones. #TheApothecaryDiaries #Anime
During her time in the imperial palace, she encounters dangerous challenges, but she also forms strong alliances and creates new friendships.
The trailer also provides a sneak peek of other significant individuals, like Maomao's mentor Tsukasa and the imperial prince Heinley. Tsukasa is a wise and skilled pharmacist who mentors Maomao in honing her abilities. On the contrary, Heinley is a charming and brilliant prince who is deeply intrigued by Maomao's intelligence and compassion.
The Apothecary Diaries will make its debut with three back-to-back episodes on October 21, 2023, streaming on Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. Get ready for an exhilarating beginning to Maomao's adventure as she forms bonds with various characters in these engrossing initial episodes.