The advertising campaign "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" of Old Spice

The advertising campaign "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" of Old Spice

Welcome to our latest blog post where we will be discussing the highly acclaimed advertising campaign "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" by Old Spice. As one of the most recognizable brands in the personal care industry, Old Spice has been a household name for generations.

About Old Spice products and brands

Welcome to our latest blog post where we will be discussing the highly acclaimed advertising campaign "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" by Old Spice. As one of the most recognizable brands in the personal care industry, Old Spice has been a household name for generations. The brand has a rich history of creating quality products that cater to the needs of its customers. However, it was the "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign that truly took Old Spice's popularity to new heights. In this post, we will be delving into the objective, strategy, implementation, customer feedback, and results of this iconic campaign. Additionally, we will be discussing the lessons that we can learn from this campaign and how it has influenced the advertising industry. So, let's get started!

About Old Spice products and brands

Old Spice is a popular brand of men's grooming products that has been around for over 80 years. The brand was founded in 1934 and has since become a household name for men's deodorant, body wash, and other personal care products.

Old Spice's products are designed to help men feel confident and smell good. The brand offers a wide range of products, including antiperspirants, deodorants, body washes, and fragrances.

About Old Spice products and brands

One of the reasons that Old Spice has become so popular is because of the quality of its products. The brand is known for using high-quality ingredients that are gentle on the skin and effective at keeping men feeling fresh and clean.

In addition to its products, Old Spice is also known for its iconic advertising campaigns. The brand has a long history of using humor and creativity to promote its products, and its ads have become some of the most memorable in the industry.

Overall, Old Spice is a trusted brand that offers high-quality grooming products for men. Its products are designed to help men feel confident and smell great, and its advertising campaigns are both entertaining and effective.

The objective of the advertising campaign "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like"

The objective of Old Spice's advertising campaign "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" was to rebrand their products and appeal to a younger male audience. The campaign aimed to challenge the traditional masculine stereotypes and introduce a more humorous and playful approach to personal grooming.

The ad featured a shirtless, muscular man, played by actor Isaiah Mustafa, who confidently promoted Old Spice's body wash and deodorant products. The ad's catchy tagline, "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like," became a viral sensation and sparked a series of follow-up ads.

The campaign was launched during the 2010 Super Bowl and quickly gained popularity on social media platforms like Twitter and YouTube. The ad received over 40 million views on YouTube and won several advertising awards, including a Cannes Lions Grand Prix.

Overall, the objective of the advertising campaign was to increase brand awareness and sales for Old Spice products by appealing to a younger demographic through humor and relatable messaging. The campaign's success demonstrated the power of creative advertising in engaging audiences and driving business results.

Strategy and implementation of Old Spice's advertising campaign

Old Spice's advertising campaign "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" was launched in February 2010 during the Super Bowl. The campaign was designed to rebrand Old Spice as a masculine, modern brand that appeals to a younger demographic.

The campaign was created by Wieden+Kennedy, an advertising agency known for their innovative and creative campaigns. The agency's strategy was to create a series of humorous and memorable commercials that would go viral on social media and generate buzz.

The campaign consisted of a series of commercials featuring actor Isaiah Mustafa, who portrayed a confident, suave and humorous "Old Spice Guy". The commercials were shot in a fast-paced, tongue-in-cheek style that appealed to younger audiences.

In addition to the commercials, Old Spice also launched a social media campaign that included YouTube videos, Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. The social media campaign was designed to engage with audiences and encourage them to participate by sharing their own Old Spice experiences and stories.

The campaign also included a series of interactive videos that allowed users to ask the "Old Spice Guy" questions and receive personalized responses. This interactive approach helped to create a sense of community around the brand and encouraged users to share the videos with their friends and followers.

Overall, Old Spice's strategy and implementation of their advertising campaign was highly successful. The campaign generated a huge amount of buzz and engagement on social media, and helped to reposition the brand as a modern, masculine and humorous brand.

Customer feedback and reviews with this ad campaign

The advertising campaign "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" of Old Spice received an overwhelming response from customers and viewers worldwide. The ad campaign's creative and humorous approach not only caught the attention of the audience but also made them actively engage with the brand.

Customers and viewers were quick to share their thoughts and opinions about the ad campaign on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. The hashtag #smelllikeaman quickly became popular, with users posting their own interpretations of the ad campaign's message.

The campaign also received positive feedback from various media outlets, including advertising industry experts and critics. The ad campaign's creative direction and execution were praised for effectively communicating the brand's message while also being entertaining and memorable.

Additionally, the ad campaign's success was reflected in Old Spice's sales figures. The brand reported a significant increase in sales following the launch of the campaign.

Overall, the customer feedback and reviews with this ad campaign were overwhelmingly positive, demonstrating the success of Old Spice's marketing strategy and execution. The campaign's creative and humorous approach not only entertained viewers but also effectively communicated the brand's message, resulting in increased sales and brand awareness.

Results from Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" advertising campaign

The "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" advertising campaign was a highly successful marketing effort that generated significant results for Old Spice. Here are some key results from the campaign:

1. Increased Sales

The campaign helped to boost Old Spice's sales significantly. According to reports, sales of Old Spice body wash products increased by 107% in the month following the launch of the campaign.

2. Higher Brand Awareness

The campaign helped to increase brand awareness for Old Spice. The ad went viral and generated a lot of buzz on social media platforms. It also received a lot of media attention, with various news outlets covering the campaign. As a result, the campaign helped to increase Old Spice's brand awareness and reach.

3. Positive Customer Feedback

The ad received overwhelmingly positive feedback from customers. Many praised the campaign for its humor, creativity, and effectiveness. The campaign helped to create a strong emotional connection with customers, which resulted in increased brand loyalty and customer engagement.

4. Awards and Recognition

The campaign was widely recognized for its creativity and effectiveness. It won several awards, including the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival's Grand Prix award in 2010. The campaign was also named one of the top 10 advertising campaigns of the decade by Adweek.

Overall, the "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" advertising campaign was a huge success for Old Spice. It helped to increase brand awareness, boost sales, and create a strong emotional connection with customers. The campaign also received widespread recognition and awards, cementing Old Spice's position as a leading brand in the personal care industry.

Lessons learned from this ad campaign

The "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" advertising campaign of Old Spice was a huge success, and there are several important lessons that we can learn from it. Here are some of the key takeaways:

1. Know your target audience

The Old Spice campaign was specifically targeted towards young men, and it was designed to appeal to their sense of humor and masculinity. By knowing exactly who they were targeting, Old Spice was able to create a campaign that resonated with their audience and generated significant buzz.

2. Don't be afraid to take risks

The Old Spice campaign was bold, funny, and a bit irreverent. It took risks and pushed boundaries, which helped it stand out in a crowded advertising landscape. Brands that are willing to take risks and try new things are often the ones that succeed.

3. Use social media to your advantage

Old Spice leveraged social media platforms like Twitter and YouTube to amplify their campaign and engage with their audience. By creating shareable content and encouraging user-generated content, Old Spice was able to generate millions of views and conversations about their brand.

4. Consistency is key

The "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign was part of a larger branding effort by Old Spice, and it was consistent with their overall messaging and tone. By maintaining consistency across all their marketing efforts, Old Spice was able to build a strong, recognizable brand identity.

5. Embrace creativity

The Old Spice campaign was creative and original, and it stood out in a sea of boring, cookie-cutter ads. Brands that embrace creativity and think outside the box are often the ones that capture consumer attention and loyalty.

Overall, the "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" advertising campaign of Old Spice is a great example of how to create a successful, memorable marketing campaign. By knowing your audience, taking risks, leveraging social media, maintaining consistency, and embracing creativity, you can create a campaign that resonates with consumers and drives results.


In conclusion, Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" advertising campaign was a huge success. It effectively communicated the brand's message of masculinity, humor, and confidence to its target audience. The campaign's unique approach, incorporating social media and user-generated content, was a game-changer in the advertising industry.

The campaign not only increased brand awareness but also boosted sales, proving the effectiveness of a well-executed advertising campaign. By listening to their customers and creating content that resonated with them, Old Spice was able to create a loyal fan base and build a stronger brand.

Overall, the success of "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign serves as a valuable lesson for marketers on the importance of customer engagement, creativity, and innovation. It's a reminder that with the right strategy and execution, any brand can create a campaign that resonates with its audience and drives results.