Sylvester Stallone's portrayal of John Rambo, the tortured war veteran, captivated audiences in the iconic film First Blood in 1985. Over the years, the character has returned in five subsequent installments, with each one surpassing the last in terms of violence and brutality. Though Rambo: Last Blood was released in 2019 and was believed to be the character's final appearance, Stallone has hinted that a future project, be it a movie or a TV series, may continue the storyline.
Despite the lack of news surrounding Rambo 6, Diseño gráfico recently shared a stunning piece of fan art on Instagram that depicts an aged-up Stallone in the role. This artwork offers a glimpse into what the character might look like if he were to return to the big screen once again.
The artwork perfectly embodies the rough and rugged style of the franchise, giving the impression that Stallone, despite his age in his mid-70s, still possesses the ability to portray the ruthless anti-hero character with ease.
Should Rambo 6 Happen?
Rambo: Last Blood failed to impress critics, currently holding a meager 26% on Rotten Tomatoes. Even David Morell, the author of the novel First Blood upon which the first movie is based, expressed his displeasure with the film. While some general audiences may have enjoyed Rambo: Last Blood, critics seem to agree that the sequel sacrifices the thoughtful and tragic exploration of Rambo's psyche for mindless violence that lacks any real substance.
Rambo risks becoming just another forgettable action franchise if it fails to delve into the themes of PTSD, trauma, and the poignant elements that made First Blood such a standout film. With five movies already released and Stallone nearing his 80s, there's a strong argument that the franchise has reached its end.
However, there is still potential for a sixth Rambo film to redeem the series by returning to its roots and exploring the struggles of an aging veteran with a violent past. Stallone has previously hinted at a potential Rambo TV show that could serve as a passing of the torch, making for an intriguing final chapter in the character's journey. While it remains to be seen if Rambo 6 will come to fruition, recent fan art suggests that there may still be one last story to tell.
Source: @akuamarinemedia/ Instagram