Survivor 46: Charlie Davis Reflects on Missing Maria Shrime Gonzalez's Vote

Survivor 46: Charlie Davis Reflects on Missing Maria Shrime Gonzalez's Vote

Join Charlie Davis in a candid reflection on the 'real sting' of not securing Maria Shrime Gonzalez's crucial vote in Survivor 46. Despite their early alliance, find out why Charlie fell short in winning Maria's support for the ultimate victory.

Charlie Davis, 26, was disappointed when his close ally, Maria Shrime Gonzalez, did not vote for him to win Survivor 46.

"It was a real sting," Charlie shared exclusively with We on Thursday, May 23, after the season finale of Survivor.

During the after shows, Jeff Probst asked the contestants to raise their hands to reveal who they voted for. When Maria was asked about her decision, Charlie had already learned that she did not vote for him.

After Kenzie Petty was crowned the Sole Survivor, the cast rushed over to the salon owner to congratulate her. While Kenzie, 29, was celebrating, three of the jury members, Hunter McKnight, Soda Thompson, and Liz Wilcox, admitted they voted for him. Unfortunately, Charlie ended up losing to Kenzie in a 5-3 vote.

Charlie shared his disappointment, saying, "And then I’m like, well, that’s my three votes. There’s no Maria. And she was completely avoiding my gaze. She didn’t come up, give me a hug, didn’t say anything to me, and that just sucked. I was just totally in shock and just really out of it."

Charlie mentioned that there was a short break before filming the Survivor 46 after show, allowing him to regain some composure. However, the pain of the loss was still evident in the episode.

He admitted, "You can still see the shock on my face and hear it in my tone. It was definitely a tough experience."

Survivor 46 s Charlie Davis Says It Was a Real Sting Not Getting Maria Shrime Gonzalez s Vote

Survivor 46 s Charlie Davis Says It Was a Real Sting Not Getting Maria Shrime Gonzalez s Vote

Maria Gonzalez and Charlie Davis. CBS

If Maria, who is 48 years old, had voted for Charlie, there would have been a tie. In the event of a tie, the third-place finisher gets to decide the winner. If this situation had happened, Ben Katzman told Us that he would have voted for Charlie.

Charlie was disappointed that he didn't receive Maria's vote, but he accepted her decision and maintained his belief that Kenzie is a very deserving winner.

"It was tough not getting Maria's vote. Before she left the game, she told me, 'Get to the final three. You've got my vote.' So, it was really hard to accept," he shared with Us. "I felt like I did a great job explaining my game to her and always showed her respect and love, even at the Final Tribal Council."

Since leaving the island, Charlie has stayed in contact with Maria. However, their friendship has become "complicated" after the final vote.

I admit that we have reached a point where a lot has happened and trust is a factor. It was hard to face the vote against me, but I still stand by what I said on the after-show. I accept the outcome and respect her decision. She is an adult and free to make her own choices. I have put in a lot of effort to be a good friend, despite the challenges we faced this year.

You can watch Survivor on Paramount+.

Editor's P/S:

Charlie Davis's disappointment at not receiving Maria Shrime Gonzalez's vote in the Survivor 46 finale is understandable, given their close alliance throughout the game. The fact that she avoided him and failed to congratulate him after the vote highlights the emotional impact of the loss. Despite his initial shock and hurt, Charlie has accepted Maria's decision and remains respectful of her choice.

However, the revelation that Maria had previously promised Charlie her vote suggests a deeper issue. The subsequent "complication" in their friendship indicates that trust may have been broken, potentially affecting their ongoing relationship. Charlie's willingness to maintain contact despite the challenges underscores his commitment to their friendship, while acknowledging the need to address the underlying issues that have arisen.