Strange Brigade: Ranking the Top Weapons

Strange Brigade: Ranking the Top Weapons

Discover the ultimate firepower in Strange Brigade with these top-ranked weapons boasting unmatched stats From the devastating Eastleigh Express to the unstoppable AB Woolf Slamfire, equip yourself for unparalleled mayhem and triumph over the sinister forces that lie ahead

Article Key Points

In Strange Brigade, players can purchase or find powerful weapons to help them defeat the undead. Upgrading these weapons with Gems can make them even more devastating.

The Leamington Model 14 offers versatility as an all-round shotgun, whereas the Lee Ensham MKIII rifle specializes in dealing high damage through accurate headshots. The Eastleigh Express shotgun, although powerful, suffers from poor accuracy.

For enhanced firepower, the Gehrig-Delgane S1 rifle serves as an upgraded version of the Lee Ensham, and the Colbeck Wildfire submachine gun boasts the highest rate of fire. Lastly, the AB Woolf Slamfire shotgun stands out as the most dependable and potent weapon in the game.

In Strange Brigade, as players venture through Egypt, it is important to acquire reliable and powerful weapons to combat the undead hordes. These weapons can either be purchased with coins or discovered in hidden chests. Additionally, players should consider upgrading their guns with Gems to enhance their abilities. With that being said, here are the top-ranked weapons in Strange Brigade.

6. Leamington Model 14

Damage: 65%

Strange Brigade: Ranking the Top Weapons

Rate of Fire: 9.88%

Accuracy: 5.99%

The Leamington Model 14 is a versatile double-barreled shotgun. Despite its two-bullet capacity, a single shot proves sufficient to effortlessly eliminate Skeleton Warriors or other common adversaries, as long as the player manages the recoil effectively.

5. Lee Ensham MKIII

The rate of fire is quite rapid, enabling the player to consistently inflict damage over an extended period. However, the weapon lacks outstanding performance in any specific aspect, making it proficient in defending players and eliminating individual enemies, but not surpassing its competitors in any particular statistic.

Damage: 56.89%

Strange Brigade: Ranking the Top Weapons

Rate of Fire: 11.38%

Accuracy: 91.62%

The Lee Ensham bolt-action rifle poses a risk due to its reliance on accuracy, but it becomes formidable when activated by a headshot, capable of easily eliminating large groups alone. As the second most powerful rifle in the game, it commands respect, especially when supplemented with Gems or Frank's Exploding Headshot ability, resulting in devastating effects.

The main drawback is its limited rate of fire, emphasizing the importance of each shot to inflict substantial damage. With some practice, it can become a highly effective weapon worthy of mastery.

4. Eastleigh Express

Damage: 100%

Strange Brigade: Ranking the Top Weapons

Rate of Fire: 8.38%

The Eastleigh Express possesses an accuracy of 2.99%. While its accuracy may be lacking, skilled players can harness its formidable power to inflict an overwhelming amount of damage upon their adversaries. Among all the shotguns in the game, the Eastleigh Express reigns supreme in terms of damage dealt. This ensures that not only can it eliminate standard enemies with a single shot, but it also renders armored foes defenseless against its devastating projectiles.


3. Gehrig-Delgane S1 (DLC)

Eastleigh Express includes 2 Gem slots, which effectively compensates for some of the weapon's limitations, particularly its accuracy and rate of fire. Achieving the desired destructive impact with this weapon is a challenging endeavor.

Damage: 62.87%

Strange Brigade: Ranking the Top Weapons

Rate of Fire: 17.07%

Accuracy: 73.65%

The Gehrig-Delgane is an improved version of the Lee Ensham in almost every aspect, except for its slightly lower accuracy. However, it compensates for this with a higher DPS and rate of fire, making it capable of dealing more damage. What sets it apart is its unique ability to penetrate through enemies, making it a formidable weapon against large swarms. Equipping it with the Gem of Armorbane further enhances its effectiveness by allowing it to pierce through armored foes. While mastering the recoil may initially pose a challenge, the devastating power of this rifle, particularly against bosses, makes it well worth the effort.

2. Colbeck Wildfire (DLC)

Damage: 13.17%

Strange Brigade: Ranking the Top Weapons

Rate of Fire: 100%

With an impressive accuracy rate of 8.38%, the Colbeck Wildfire is undoubtedly the superior submachine gun in the game. It possesses the incredible ability to annihilate vast hordes of enemies with a single magazine, instilling terror in the hearts of any foes who dare to approach. With the highest rate of fire in the entire game, it effortlessly inflicts an astonishing amount of damage in a minimal amount of time. Fortuitously, the Colbeck Wildfire boasts an impressive magazine capacity of 71 rounds, ensuring that reloads are infrequent.

1. AB Woolf Slamfire

However the gun's accuracy may be lacking, its effectiveness should not be overlooked. Even in its basic form, this weapon can create ample space for a team and effortlessly keep hordes of enemies at bay. By acquiring the Gem of Stabilization to reduce recoil, this weapon has the potential to become incredibly disruptive in the game.

Damage: 86.83%

Strange Brigade: Ranking the Top Weapons

Rate of Fire: 10.78%

Accuracy: 10.18%

The AB Woolf Slamfire appears to be a standard pump-action shotgun at first glance, lacking any remarkable qualities. However, upon closer examination of its statistics, it becomes evident that this weapon is exceptionally powerful in every aspect. It not only deals nearly the same amount of damage as the Eastleigh Express, but it also boasts superior accuracy and minimal recoil.

While the fact that it only fires one shell at a time may seem like a drawback, the rapid pump action and reload speed more than compensate for this limitation. Furthermore, the weapon offers three Gem slots, allowing players to personalize it according to their preferences. The AB Woolf Slamfire is unquestionably the most dependable weapon in the game, capable of effortlessly defeating even the most formidable foes and making boss battles a breeze.

Strange Brigade

Platform(s) PS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchReleased August 28, 2018Developer(s) Rebellion DevelopmentsGenre(s) Third-Person Shooter

Editor's P/S

As a passionate fan of Strange Brigade, I am thrilled to share my opinions and feelings about the top-ranked weapons in the game.

The Leamington Model 14 shotgun offers versatility as an all-round weapon, while the Lee Ensham MKIII rifle specializes in dealing high damage through accurate headshots. For enhanced firepower, the Gehrig-Delgane S1 rifle serves as an upgraded version of the Lee Ensham, and the Colbeck Wildfire submachine gun boasts the highest rate of fire. Lastly, the AB Woolf Slamfire shotgun stands out as the most dependable and potent weapon in the game.

In my opinion, the Lee Ensham MKIII rifle is the best weapon in Strange Brigade. Its high damage and accuracy make it perfect for taking down even the most challenging enemies. The Gehrig-Delgane S1 rifle is also a great choice, especially for players who prefer a faster rate of fire.

Overall, I believe that the weapons in Strange Brigade are well-balanced and offer a variety of options for players to choose from. Whether you prefer a shotgun, rifle, or submachine gun, there is a weapon in the game that will suit your playstyle.