Stepping into the Universes of Love: Your Ultimate Guide to Romance Andreja in Starfield

Stepping into the Universes of Love: Your Ultimate Guide to Romance Andreja in Starfield

Unveil the enigmatic Andreja's hidden affections in Starfield with our comprehensive guide Discover her likes and dislikes, embark on the Divided Loyalties quest, encounter Jaeda and Tomisar, and conclude the thrilling Andreja romance

Wondering how to engage in a romance with Andreja in Starfield? It is worth noting that she is likely to be the final fully-fledged companion to join your team, as you will encounter her exclusively during a quest named Into the Unknown. Once you have met her, she can accompany you on your journey, revealing her backstory gradually. However, please be aware that this article includes spoilers.

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Starfield Andreja romance and Divided Loyalties companion quest guide

How to romance Andreja: Preferences and aversions

Divided Loyalties quest

Jaeda and Tomisar

Concluding the Andreja romance

Starfield Andreja romance and Divided Loyalties companion quest guide

How to romance Andreja: Likes and dislikes

The Starfield Andreja romance requires you to boost her affinity while taking note of what she likes and dislikes:

Unlike your other well-mannered companions, Andreja has lived a rough life.

She does not shy away from a few underhanded tactics. In fact, she will sometimes relish brute force and intimidation.

However, it goes without saying that cruel actions against random innocents will still earn her ire.

Here are some notable examples:

In No Sudden Moves, dealing with Captain Petrov requires intimidating him to obtain the artifact. Once he surrenders, responding boldly will be appreciated by Andreja.

In the finale of Unearthed, opting for two responses that reflect independence and the desire to forge your own path is encouraged. Andreja will approve of both choices. However, if you hesitate in Unearthed, particularly in regards to killing an NPC, Andreja will disapprove as it demonstrates your own uncertainty and lack of bravery.

Stepping into the Universes of Love: Your Ultimate Guide to Romance Andreja in Starfield

Pick the "flirt" option whenever it appears to progress the Starfield Andreja romance.

Divided Loyalties quest

To further her storyline, always choose to flirt with Andreja. As her affinity grows, you'll have the opportunity to engage in four unique conversations with her. Following the fourth conversation, she reveals her past as a former Va'ruun operative who was assigned to infiltrate Constellation. Although she now has a change of heart, she remains curious about the fate of her former comrades. This marks the beginning of the Starfield Divided Loyalties quest, and here's a brief overview:

Head to Akila City's bar and locate an individual named Eren.

Please proceed to Hyla II within the Hyla system, where you will locate Eren's camp. Be aware that the vicinity is also occupied by Va'ruun cultists.

Engage and neutralize the enemy forces, then proceed to access the building. Upon reaching the second floor, you will discover Eren's slate. Additionally, you will find the Va'ruun Scripture 04 resting on the desk nearby. This scripture augments your stealth advantage and enhances the damage of your melee sneak attacks.

Make your way to Chthonia in the Wolf system. Dock with the space station and ask about Jaeda.

That leads you to a planet called Anomaly in the Groombridge system.

Jaeda and Tomisar

Upon arrival in the skies of Anomaly, you will be hailed by a ship called the Raptor. Inform Jaeda that Andreja is attempting to rectify the past and proceed to board the ship. As you step into the cockpit, you will find Jaeda aiming a gun at both of you. Utilize the Negotiation option or employ alternative responses to ease her tension.

Subsequently, you will journey to Muphrid IV within the Muphrid system. Andreja will initiate a switch that unveils a concealed passageway. At the far end of the corridor, you will encounter Tomisar, the Va'ruun cultist and her former handler. While Andreja desires to eliminate Tomisar, you are able to persuade her to allow the Va'ruun Council to handle the situation instead.

Stepping into the Universes of Love: Your Ultimate Guide to Romance Andreja in Starfield

In her days serving the Great Serpent worshipers, Andreja had the creepy Tomisar as her handler.

Concluding the Andreja romance

To wrap up the Starfield Andreja romance, head back to The Lodge in New Atlantis and enter Andreja's room. Engage in a conversation with her and select the following responses:

"Regardless of what lies ahead, we will face it together."

"You don't need House Va'ruun. You have a family in Constellation."

The romance option will appear: "[Romance] I'll always be here for you. I love you."

Follow it up with: "I'm all yours for as long as you want me."

Another unique conversation will occur shortly thereafter. You can pick: "[Commitment] I think it's time we make it official."

Stepping into the Universes of Love: Your Ultimate Guide to Romance Andreja in Starfield

Once you obtain Andreja's commitment quest, that's when the moment arrives for both of you to finally tie the knot. And whatever you do, don't even consider friendzoning Andreja. That would be utterly ridiculous! Now you have all the essential information on how to engage in a romantic relationship with Andreja in Starfield. Just remember, there are other companions you can get close to, like Sarah and Barrett. If you want to know more about all the potential recruits, make sure to consult our comprehensive guide on companions and crew members.

Starfield is a massive game with numerous planets to explore. For other tips and tactics, you can visit our guides hub.