Starfield's Game-changing Feature: Unlock the Power of Multiple Active Followers

Starfield's Game-changing Feature: Unlock the Power of Multiple Active Followers

Unlock the secret to having multiple active followers in Starfield! Discover non-viable NPC options and the ultimate choice: Emma Wilcox

How to have more than one active follower in Starfield

To address the possibility of having a second active follower in Starfield, it is important to clarify the game's limitations. While you can encounter and recruit various crew members and companions, the game typically only allows for one follower by your side at any given time. That being said, our guide explores a method that enables you to include an additional NPC in your journey, effectively forming a three-person squad. However, there's a catch that should be considered.

How to have more than one active follower in Starfield

Let's make it clear: officially, you cannot have more than one active follower in Starfield. When you engage in conversation with a companion and invite them to accompany you, they become your active follower. Consequently, anyone who had been accompanying you before will be dismissed and will return to their designated ship/outpost or their original location.

NPCs that are not viable candidates

NPC Candidates for Method (Not as Viable)

Tahir Vala - Encounter Tahir Vala during The Kindness of Strangers, a side quest in New Atlantis. The House of the Enlightened leader assigns this quest to you. Tahir will accompany you only within The Well area of the city and will cease following you once you return to the surface.

Constellation companions - For specific parts of the game, such as main quests or their own companion quests, characters like Sarah, Sam, Barrett, and Andreja are essential. During these stages, they automatically become the active follower, eliminating the option of having a third person accompany you.

Starfield's Game-changing Feature: Unlock the Power of Multiple Active Followers

Walter Stroud, Constellation's financier, also temporarily joins your quest in All That Money Can Buy. However, since this is a main quest, it will need to be completed at some point to progress further in the campaign.

Starfield's Game-changing Feature: Unlock the Power of Multiple Active Followers

Tahir will cease following you once you depart from The Well.

The best option: Emma Wilcox

One of the best choices to have multiple active followers in Starfield is Emma Wilcox. Encounter her when you attempt to join the Freestar Collective Rangers. Here's a brief overview:

The faction's main base is located in Akila within the Cheyenne system. Upon arrival, your mission will be to rescue individuals who have been held captive in a bank. Your commendable actions will catch the attention of the marshal, who will then request a meeting with Emma.

Engage in a conversation with Emma in order to advance the Deputized quest. She will assign you a range of tasks from the mission board, which may involve eliminating a raider captain on a planetary surface or destroying a pirate vessel.

Once the task is completed, you will need to undertake the Where Hope is Built quest. This quest entails a visit to Montara Luna's farm where you will be tasked with eliminating a group of ruffians. Emma, a companion, will accompany you for this mission.

Starfield's Game-changing Feature: Unlock the Power of Multiple Active Followers

Emma will join you on a mission for the Freestar Collective. As part of the quest, you can engage and eliminate the hostile individuals. However, it is crucial not to fully complete the quest. For instance, if you receive instructions to return to the Freestar Collective's headquarters in Akila City, simply explore other regions instead. By not finishing the quest, Emma will remain with you as the third member of your squad. While she may not possess significant firepower (primarily employing melee attacks against enemies), she can serve as a diversion during combat encounters. Moreover, having two NPC allies by your side, reminiscent of Mass Effect, adds an extra level of excitement to your adventure.

Emma serves as an NPC who has the potential to become an exceptionally engaged follower in the expansive world of Starfield. However, it is important to note that progression in the Freestar Collective's faction arc will be hindered unless you successfully complete the corresponding mission.

Starfield offers players a vast gaming experience, allowing them to delve into various planets. If you're seeking additional advice and strategies, feel free to visit our guides hub.