Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History

Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History

The rarest achievements in Starfield, a highly popular game, are listed here From mastering space exploration to building a prosperous shipping empire, these accomplishments showcase the exceptional skills and dedication of the players

Starfield offers a wealth of content and a wide range of activities for players to engage in. Each player will have a unique experience with Starfield, as their individual play styles will influence their priorities. Some activities may take precedence for certain players, while others may be overlooked entirely.

The achievements in Starfield provide an insightful glimpse into the pursuits of other players and highlight aspects of the game they may not have engaged with. From constructing ships and exploring to resource gathering and establishing outposts, Starfield presents a diverse array of projects for gamers to undertake. Some players have already pushed the boundaries of Starfield, like the individual who embarked on the remarkable feat of constructing a pirate ship within the game.

7 Life Begets Life

Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History

Obtaining large quantities of organic resources can be a challenging task despite their significant role in crafting and building. Unlocking the "Life Begets Life" achievement in the game requires players to collect 500 organic resources. However, currently, only 0.6% of Steam Starfield players have managed to accomplish this feat.

The main reason behind this low success rate is that most players opt to purchase their organic materials from vendors rather than gather them themselves. To make it easier for players to achieve this milestone, a potential solution could be to encourage them to explore planets abundant in life and plants, where they can harvest all the available organic resources. To incentivize players to actively seek out organic resources, some adjustments may need to be made in the process of gathering them.

6 Shipping Magnate

Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History

Obtaining this achievement is not as difficult as one might think. To become a "Shipping Magnate," players must establish cargo links between five outposts. Although the idea of having five outposts may seem overwhelming, it is important to note that they do not have to be fully constructed.

A single cargo link is all that is required for each outpost, along with minimal additional resources. The objective is to connect all five outposts using these cargo links, and upon completion, the achievement will be earned. Currently, only 1.5% of players have accomplished this feat. Establishing these links in Starfield is a straightforward process, where constructing a cargo link necessitates 20 iron, 12 aluminum, two beryllium, and two zero wires.

5 The Stars My Destination

Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History

Starfield offers a wide array of star systems for players to explore. The primary objective for those who enjoy the exploration aspect of Sci-Fi settings is to visit each and every one of these star systems. It should be noted that exploring these star systems is a time-consuming task, but most players are not in a hurry to complete it.

Once players have successfully visited all 120 star systems, they will unlock a special achievement called "The Stars My Destination." Currently, only 2.4% of players have managed to obtain this achievement. One of the challenges players face in obtaining this achievement is keeping track of which star systems they have already explored and which ones they still need to visit. To alleviate this confusion, an easy method is to check the survey properties of each star system.

4 Reach For The Stars

Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History

The skill tree in Starfield unlocks powerful abilities and important gameplay features, such as modifying guns and spacesuits. Leveling up is straightforward, and being aware of which activities grant XP points can help speed up the leveling process. While completing quests provides the most XP, other activities also offer substantial rewards.

Once players reach level 100, they earn the achievement "Reach For The Stars," which only 3.4% of players have accomplished. Around 35% of players have reached level 25, indicating that there are still many quests to complete and areas to explore. Although Starfield does not have a defined level cap, reaching level 100 demonstrates significant progress in the game.

3 Fleet Commander

Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History

Starfield boasts a plethora of one-of-a-kind ships, enticing players who enjoy personalizing their spacecraft to invest in the finest models. Upon accumulating 10 spaceships, players unlock the esteemed rank of Fleet Commander, a milestone achieved by a mere 4.2% of all players.

A reliable strategy to obtain the coveted "Fleet Commander" Achievement involves acquiring all the available free ships, each offering exclusive designs and the potential to be sold at a later time. Owning ten spaceships remains the ultimate status symbol in the established systems. Additionally, players have the option to claim pirate ships but must exercise caution by boarding, rather than destroying them, during encounters.

2 Boots on the Ground

Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History

There are a total of 1,000 planets waiting to be explored in Starfield, each with its own unique characteristics. While many of these planets are not suitable for wildlife and primarily serve as sources of rare metals, there are also several planets that are home to diverse animal species, intriguing plant life, and abandoned structures.

Players can earn the "Boots on the Ground" achievement by successfully landing on 100 different planets, and currently, only 4.4% of players have managed to unlock this accomplishment. Exploring these planets has offered players the opportunity to witness extraordinary sights, highlighting the vast array of experiences that some planets have to offer. Additionally, players have the chance to scout out planets and capture stunning screenshots along the way.

1 Rock Collection

Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History

Collecting non-organic materials can be a tedious task for many gamers, leading them to choose to purchase these materials from vendors instead. These materials play a crucial role in weapon crafting, building settlements, and crafting various items within the game.

The process of gathering rocks can be slow and may not appeal to everyone. To achieve the "Rock Collection" milestone, players need to gather 500 non-organic materials. Some planet types offer a larger abundance of these materials, providing assistance to players aiming to achieve this milestone. As this task can be time-consuming, players may consider entertaining themselves with a show or podcast while collecting materials to expedite their progress towards unlocking this achievement.

Starfield: Unveiling the Most Elusive Achievements in Gaming History


Platform(s) PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series SDeveloper(s) BethesdaGenre(s) Action, RPGReleased September 6, 2023