Starfield: Unleashing Infinite Ship Possibilities!
Explore the vast universe of Starfield, where players can amass a collection of epic ships in their space garage Discover the maximum ship limit, unregistered ship restrictions, and effective ways to expand your ship slots for endless interstellar adventures
Starships are crucial for navigating the extensive universe and discovering uncharted planets in Starfield. However, the game imposes restrictions on the number of ships players can possess simultaneously, despite the vast open-world map. This guide aims to provide clarity on the ship ownership limit in Starfield and explore potential exceptions that may allow fortunate players to surpass the standard allowed number.
Maximum Owned Ship Limit
In Starfield, players have the option to possess a maximum of ten ships simultaneously. Once this threshold is reached, a notification will notify them that they have attained the highest permissible quantity of ships. To acquire more starships, they must first sell one of their existing vessels.
However, there is one special circumstance where the ship ownership limit doesn't apply. When players receive a spacecraft as a quest reward, they can effortlessly add it to their inventory without any restrictions, irrespective of the number of ships they already own.
Players can only have one active ship at any given time, but it is not mandatory for their active ship, the one they are currently piloting, to be their designated Home Ship.
Unregistered Ship Limit
The limit for unregistered vessels is equivalent to that of registered ones. Players can possess a maximum of ten unregistered ships before reaching the cap. Nevertheless, there are no restrictions on the number of ships they can pilfer and utilize as long as they remain unregistered. It is crucial to highlight that newly stolen vessels may be removed from the inventory in this scenario.
How to Increase Ship Slots
In order to retain control of a starship that has been captured, players must go through the process of registering it and, to enhance security, designating it as their Home Ship. This will ensure that the starship is securely stored in their garage and easily accessible for future use.
Regrettably, Starfield does not offer any skills or upgrades to expand the restriction on the number of ships allowed. Players have the choice of either completing quests to acquire starships for free or utilizing a mod to surpass the default limit and possess additional ships.
To increase the number of ship slots in the game, players should install the More Ownable Ships pack from the Starfield tag on the Nexus Mods website. Starfield is currently available for PC and Xbox Series X/S.