Starfield: The Ultimate Solution to Overcoming Addiction

Starfield: The Ultimate Solution to Overcoming Addiction

Overcoming stimulant addiction in Starfield is crucial for players Discover effective strategies to cure addiction and restore your character's well-being in this immersive gaming experience

In Starfield, gamers have the freedom to utilize various medications and consume a wide range of food options. These choices offer numerous advantages, such as restoring health, temporarily enhancing persuasion skills, boosting XP, increasing carrying capacity, or improving movement speed.

This guide aims to address the consequences of excessive stimulant consumption leading to addiction in Starfield. It will provide fans with effective methods to swiftly address and manage their character's addiction, ensuring they can avoid the resulting challenges.

Stimulants Addiction Status

Starfield: The Ultimate Solution to Overcoming Addiction

Gamers who excessively consume stimulants in Starfield can subject their characters to addiction, leading to withdrawal symptoms and negative consequences. When players' characters become addicted to stimulants and experience withdrawal, their carrying capacity is diminished, and their rate of oxygen recovery is also reduced. It is therefore crucial for gamers to prioritize recovery in order to mitigate these effects.

How to Cure Addiction

Starfield: The Ultimate Solution to Overcoming Addiction

In Starfield, there are two methods to permanently cure addiction and one method to temporarily suppress it. While it is more practical to permanently address addiction, players may encounter situations where proper treatment is unavailable. Here is a guide on how to eliminate addictions in Starfield:

Players have the option to buy Addichrone, which can temporarily alleviate withdrawal symptoms for a duration of ten minutes. The price for this remedy is 380 credits and it is commonly available for purchase from doctors located near medical bays.

Gamers can buy Junk Flush for 665 credits to eliminate all addictions and free their character from the struggles of addiction. Additionally, players can opt for a direct cure from a doctor at a medical station for only 450 credits, permanently eliminating the addiction.

In Starfield, while getting a doctor to cure the player is indeed the most cost-efficient approach, the existence of the other two items serves a purpose. During challenging situations where gamers' characters may become addicted and unable to escape, they may have to rely on the limited selection of items they have brought along on their journeys. For a speedy encounter with a doctor, players can visit either The Well or Akila City.

Players who are willing to spend some additional credits may consider acquiring a few Junk Flush items to promptly resolve this issue, should it ever occur.

Starfield is currently accessible on PC and Xbox Series X/S.