Starfield: The Ultimate Revelation About Hadrian's Father – Is It Time to Share?

Starfield: The Ultimate Revelation About Hadrian's Father – Is It Time to Share?

Unveil the hidden truth or keep her in the dark? In Starfield, players face a crucial decision: inform Hadrian about her father's existence or protect her from a dark UC secret Choose wisely in this gripping narrative adventure

In Starfield, while undertaking the UC Vanguard faction quests, players will stumble upon a hidden truth that the United Colonies is keeping concealed from other competing governments, specifically House Va’ruun and the Freestar Collective. This revelation has the potential to disrupt the peace that has been maintained for years. At the heart of this secret lies the revelation that Vae Victis, the father of Hadrian, a prominent member of the United Colonies with whom players have been closely involved, is still alive. This knowledge creates a dilemma for players - should they disclose this truth to Hadrian or keep it concealed?

Outcome 1: Tell Hadrian About Her Father

Starfield: The Ultimate Revelation About Hadrian's Father – Is It Time to Share?

Players will have three chances to inform Hadrian about her father, Vae Victis. The first opportunity arises after they learn the truth and have the ability to engage in a conversation with Major Hadrian on Mars during The Devils You Know quest. Here, players can honestly disclose the information, which initially elicits an unfavorable response from Hadrian. Nevertheless, she ultimately decides not to let her identity be defined by a ghost. However, if players choose not to inform her at this point, they will have another opportunity to do so later.

The second instance in which players can inform Hadrian of her father's existence occurs during the Hostile Intelligence mission. Following the discovery of an audio log revealing Vae Victis' orders to eliminate everyone on Londinion to conceal the truth about the Terramorphs, players can engage in a conversation with Hadrian. The conversation transpires in a similar manner, and the outcome remains unchanged.

The opportunity for players to reveal to Hadrian that her father is alive occurs during the potential final UC Vanguard mission called "A Legacy Forged." In this mission, players have a choice to either cover up the truth and lie for Vae Victis, or expose the truth to the Cabinet and Hadrian. By informing Hadrian, the truth will be revealed to the Cabinet, making it impossible to keep Vae Victis' secret.

If players choose to inform Hadrian about her father being alive, they will be unable to participate in the final UC Vanguard quest. This quest involves collaborating with Vae Victis to locate and apprehend criminals from the United Colonies. Hadrian's awareness of her father's existence compels her to present this evidence to the United Colonies Cabinet, ultimately leading to Vae Victis' execution.

Outcome 2: Not Telling Hadrian About Her Father

Starfield: The Ultimate Revelation About Hadrian's Father – Is It Time to Share?

Upon their initial encounter with Vae Victis, players are requested to swear to keep his existence a secret. Despite the Armistice explicitly designating Vae Victis as a criminal subject to execution, he is deemed too valuable to be terminated. Consequently, Vae Victis has been assigned a covert role within the United Colonies at Subsection Seven, a highly classified facility housed in the basement of the MAST Building.

Throughout the game, players encounter various opportunities to inform Hadrian about Vae Victis' survival. They can choose to divert the conversation to other topics or outright deceive her. However, whether or not players disclose the truth does not impact their relationship with Hadrian. Either she remains oblivious to her father's continued existence, or she comprehends that the players were merely fulfilling their duty by withholding this information.

Once players reach A Legacy Forged, they are faced with a daunting dilemma regarding whether or not to disclose the truth to Hadrian. This mission marks a point of no return, allowing players to either safeguard the secrecy of Vae Victis and his ambitious intentions for his legacy and daughter, or to expose his nefarious plan, ensuring his just punishment for the crimes committed against the Settled Systems and his perilous utilization of the Terramorphs. However, if players wish to embark on another critical assignment within the United Colonies Vanguard quest chain, it is crucial that they refrain from unveiling the truth to Hadrian about her father. It is important to note that regardless of the chosen decision, companion relationships will remain unaffected.

What’s The Best Solution?

Starfield: The Ultimate Revelation About Hadrian's Father – Is It Time to Share?

The optimal solution is to withhold the truth and refrain from informing Hadrian of her father's continued existence. By deceiving Hadrian, the player ensures that she remains oblivious, preventing any potential resentment towards them. The secrecy surrounding Vae Victis, known only to a select few individuals whom we can trust, rules out the possibility of a government conspiracy or the onset of a potential war. By choosing not to disclose the truth about Vae Victis, players will have the opportunity to embark on a new UC faction quest upon the completion of A Legacy Forged.

Engaging in this mission is highly enjoyable, although it entails the challenging sacrifice of escaping accountability, as players will never witness the repercussions faced by Vae Victis for his heinous acts against humanity. Nonetheless, for an enhanced experience and the chance to pursue renegade United Colonies criminals, it is strongly recommended that players fabricate the truth and withhold information about her father from Hadrian. Revealing the truth yields no benefits and prohibits players from participating in the concluding mission.