Starfield: A Gastronomic Paradise
Discover the ultimate culinary delights in Starfield! Indulge in a plethora of nourishing treats that not only replenish health but offer extraordinary bonuses Uncover the game's most essential foodstuffs like never before
While Starfield may not feature dedicated hunger and thirst meters, it is still advisable for players to always have a few high-quality food items at their disposal. Consuming food in the game offers time-limited buffs and can prove invaluable due to the various effects they provide.
Food can be obtained by purchasing it from vendors, finding it in human-occupied stations, or cooking it within the player's own spaceship. There are numerous avenues to acquire nourishment in Starfield, although not all options hold the same value. Here are some of the top food items that we have discovered thus far in the game.
Best Food in Starfield
Before delving into the topic at hand, it is crucial to acknowledge that med packs far exceed food in terms of healing capabilities. Meager is the healing power of meals, and lugging around numerous sandwiches, for instance, will not be advantageous in terms of a player's load limit. Bearing this in mind, the subsequent food items have been specifically chosen based on the valuable buffs they offer, rather than their ability to restore health (unless stated otherwise).
Item | Effect |
Terrabrew Espresso | Restores 3 Health; +20% O2 Recovery for 3m |
Tranquilitea Drinks | Restores 3 Health; +2% XP Gains for 15m |
Sparkling Water | Restores 3 Health; -20% O2 usage for 3m |
Chandra Port Wine | +12% Persuasion chance for 5m; -15% O2 recover for 5m |
Alien Scramble | Restores 5 Health; +75 Damage Resistance for 5m |
These are just a few examples from Starfield's extensive selection of food and drinks. The great thing is that even players who haven't invested in the Gastronomy skill can still access them.
Unlocking advanced cooking recipes will give you even better versions of these items. For instance, Barbacoa Wraps are an improved version of Alien Scramble that can be cooked once you reach Gastronomy Rank 3. They restore 20 HP and provide +100 Damage Resistance for 20 minutes. Although there may be some differences between the two, players can expect similar gaps between the items on the list and their advanced counterparts.
Chems and medical supplies offer more powerful buffs and are lighter than typical food items. Players seeking situational buffs should prioritize stocking up on meds to avoid the hassle of inventory management. Additionally, they can utilize their meals to enhance the ambiance of their homes and ships, creating a more authentic and lived-in atmosphere. Starfield is accessible on PC and Xbox Series X/S.