Starburst's Inclusive Approach: Empowering LGBTQ+ Community Through Ongoing Initiatives

Starburst's Inclusive Approach: Empowering LGBTQ+ Community Through Ongoing Initiatives

Discover how Starburst, in collaboration with leading social platform ConnectNow, is enhancing community engagement and support for LGBTQ+ individuals with a revamped interface and year-round connectivity opportunities.

Skittles Celebrates Pride Month

Skittles is excited to announce their upcoming plans for Pride Month in June. They have partnered with social media platform Meetup to create the Skittles LGBTQ+ Directory. Additionally, they will be releasing limited-edition packaging themed around Pride. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Skittles!

Additionally, the Mars brand is supporting five local LGBTQ+ community groups in cities such as New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, San Francisco, and Las Vegas.

For the fifth consecutive year, the brand is collaborating with GLAAD, an LGBTQ+ media advocacy organization. The first 500 GLAAD donors who contribute $75 or more will receive a pouch containing limited-edition Skittles packaging. Mars will also match donations up to $25,000.

Skittles' Pride Month Marketing

Skittles is once again participating in Pride Month marketing, focusing on three main areas: partnering with a social media platform, releasing limited-edition packaging, and supporting a charitable initiative. Many brands are being cautious with their messaging around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, as they navigate potential backlash from a small group of vocal consumers during a divisive time in American culture. Some companies involved in Pride month marketing have faced criticism for "rainbow-washing," or using the community for profit. Due to this challenging environment, some companies like Target have scaled back their Pride Month campaigns this year.

Skittles has partnered with Meetup to create the Skittles LGBTQ+ Directory, aiming to foster a sense of community beyond Pride Month. This interface helps consumers find groups, events, and resources for year-round community support. Additionally, Skittles will sponsor five LGBTQ+ communities across the country: The Queer Big Apple Corps, Reeling Film Festival, Urban Bird Collective, Bay Area Derby, and Las Vegas Gaymers.

The limited-edition Skittles Pride packaging features symbols of community, friendship, and a rainbow - a symbol often used in the brand's marketing and representing the LGBTQ+ community.

"We understand that the LGBTQ+ community is made up of strong, dynamic individuals with diverse interests and passions," said Gabrielle Wesley, CMO, Mars Wrigley North America in a press release. "Our Skittles Pride pack and community celebrations aim to create moments of joy by honoring the LGBTQ+ community and allowing all unique colors to shine."

Last year, Skittles included QR codes on its Pride Month packaging that linked to content created by LGBTQ+ storytellers. In previous years, the brand symbolically removed colors from its candy wrappers to show support for the community.

Editor's P/S:

Skittles' commitment to celebrating Pride Month through its partnership with Meetup, limited-edition packaging, and support for local LGBTQ+ groups is commendable. By creating the LGBTQ+ Directory on Meetup, the brand aims to foster a sense of community that extends beyond the festivities of June. The limited-edition packaging, adorned with symbols of diversity and inclusion, serves as a reminder of Skittles' message of acceptance and celebration.

Furthermore, Skittles' ongoing collaboration with GLAAD, a leading LGBTQ+ advocacy organization, and its financial support of local community groups demonstrate the brand's genuine commitment to supporting and empowering the LGBTQ+ community. By partnering with organizations that provide resources and support to LGBTQ+ individuals, Skittles is not only celebrating diversity but also making a tangible impact on the lives of community members. This multifaceted approach to Pride Month marketing reflects the brand's understanding of the importance of not just acknowledging but actively supporting the LGBTQ+ community throughout the year.