Spine-Chilling Slaughterfest: Season 1 Review of Undead Murder Farce

Spine-Chilling Slaughterfest: Season 1 Review of Undead Murder Farce

Undead Murder Farce Season 1 mesmerizes viewers with its brilliant storytelling, taking them on a hilarious journey through a captivating blend of history and farce Prepare for non-stop laughter with this captivating trio!


Undead Murder Farce is an underrated supernatural mystery series that deserves more attention for its inspired storytelling and striking visuals.

The series comprises three main narratives, each featuring distinct plot twists and elements of fantasy, exemplifying the show's admiration for traditional mystery storytelling. Aya Rindo and Tsugaru Shinuchi, the prominent members of the trio, deliver captivating and seamlessly synchronized performances that elevate the overall enjoyment of the viewers.

The Summer 2023 anime season was filled with highly anticipated shows such as Bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen's second season, and Bungo Stray Dogs' fifth season. Undead Murder Farce, however, may have gone unnoticed at first. As the series continued, its captivating storytelling became more evident and deserved attention.

Undead Murder Farce, directed by the same person behind Kaguya-sama: Love Is War and based on Yuugo Aosaki's novel series, is a supernatural mystery anime produced by Lapin Track studio (known for Sarazanmai). The story focuses on Aya Rindo, an immortal detective who has lost her physical body, along with Tsugaru Shinuchi, a half-oni cage fighter, and Shizuku Hasei, a silent but skilled maid ready for combat.


Spine-Chilling Slaughterfest: Season 1 Review of Undead Murder Farce

When initially disclosed, Shinuchi portrays the role of a circus performer called the "Oni-slayer," entertaining a paying audience by defeating monsters. One night, a maid approaches him carrying a birdcage, leading to a brief altercation before introducing him to a talking head imprisoned within the cage. Aya Rindo, seemingly the sole immortal being, has been robbed of her physical form.

She pleads with Shinuchi to end her life, as only someone like him possesses the ability to do so. She even offers him assistance in averting his impending transformation from a half-oni to a complete oni. The premiere episode alone showcases exceptional visual imagery and delves into the characters' depths within a short span of time. Rindo and Shinuchi commence and conclude the episode with entirely disparate objectives.