Solving the Mystery of Bodies: How Detectives Saved London

Solving the Mystery of Bodies: How Detectives Saved London

The detectives in Bodies prevent London's destruction, but new challenges arise Iris' actions create a fresh loop, disproving Dafoe's theory KYAL's appearance adds to Mannix's foes What does the ending truly signify? Find out and anticipate Season 2

Warning! SPOILERS about Bodies season 1 ahead.


The explosive conclusion of Bodies effectively resolved all loose ends and provided coherence to the multiple timelines.

The combined efforts and sacrifices of the detectives were integral in ending the cycle and preserving London from devastation, with Iris Maplewood playing a pivotal part in setting the events in motion.

Mannix's removal from the timelines prevented his dystopian world in 2053, but the appearance of the acronym KYAL in 2023 suggested the potential for new villainous plans and trouble in a potential season 2.

Netflix's gripping crime drama, Bodies, concluded with an explosive ending that seamlessly connected all the potentially confusing timelines happening simultaneously. Based on the DC Vertigo graphic novel by Si Spencer, Bodies was developed by Paul Tomalin, quickly becoming one of the Top 10 TV Shows on Netflix in multiple countries, including the UK and the US, just one weekend after its debut on October 19. With its non-stop suspense and tightly woven ending that resolves most loose ends, Bodies is easily among the best shows currently streaming on Netflix.

Mannix's time travel ensured that the loop, which resulted in his happy death, continued even when the main cast of Bodies characters opposed his theories. While only Hasan and Maplewood were aware of the countless lives lost due to Mannix's bombs, all detectives faced the risk of losing their lives or the futures of their loved ones. The only way to save these lives was to break the cycle. By planting doubt in Mannix's mind that he might not necessarily be loved despite everyone's sacrifices, the timelines reset, ultimately saving London in 2023 and the lives of all the detectives. This provided a satisfying conclusion to the mystery-solving story of Bodies.

London Wasn't Destroyed Because All Detectives Stopped The Loop

Solving the Mystery of Bodies: How Detectives Saved London

In episode 8 of Bodies, Iris Maplewood successfully travels back to 1890 in order to prevent the loop from solidifying. Her actions have a ripple effect on all timelines, completely altering what was previously thought to be a fixed loop. By ensuring that Defoe doesn't die when he travels forward in time to 2053 and persuading Hillinghead to believe her and influence Mannix, Maplewood's decision to sacrifice herself and return to a time without her Spyne augmentation enables the dissolution of the loop. Without her understanding that Defoe travels not only back in time but also forward, the detectives wouldn't have been able to stop Mannix.

Although Maplewood initiates the chain of events, all the detectives play a role in saving London. Hillinghead's final words to Mannix/Harker, along with his knowledge of Harker's future that he shouldn't have had, convinces Mannix that not everything promised to him will actually come true. Mannix has a change of heart in 1941 and hands the secret record to Whiteman, preventing teenage Mannix from detonating the bomb. Finally, Hasan's journey from 2053 to 2023 allows Mannix to listen to the secret record, bringing together the efforts of Hasan from both time periods to erase Mannix from all timelines and bring about the final destruction of the loop.

Shahara Meeting Iris In 2023 Doesn't Necessarily Stop Mannix's Dystopia

Solving the Mystery of Bodies: How Detectives Saved London

Although teenage Mannix's decision to not detonate the bomb led to the destruction of the dystopian reality ruled by Commander Mannix in 2053, the ending of Netflix's Bodies, which showed Hasan and Maplewood meeting, coincided with the acronym of Mannix's cult's slogan appearing on a London skyscraper. Despite Mannix's erasure from the timeline preventing him from inspiring others in 1890 to carry out the plan that would have led to his military rule in 2053, the mysterious appearance of "Know You Are Loved" in 2023 still raised questions. Furthermore, Iris's knowledge of Shahara's true identity in the final scene of Bodies episode 8 hinted at Maplewood's involvement in time travel.

Bodies seemingly left the final scene unexplained, ending on a minor cliffhanger and leaving some mysteries unresolved for a potential second season, while the success of the first season of Bodies continues. However, Mannix's erasure from all timelines only ensured that the bomb would not explode in 2023, but it did not guarantee the absence of Mannix's world in 2053. The Throat, which allowed for time travel, remained open in 2053, with Maplewood and Defoe residing there, providing them the opportunity to utilize it. The explanation for Maplewood's knowledge of Hasan may be more challenging, but a potential second season of Bodies could certainly address it, especially if it is connected to the appearance of KYAL in 2023.

Iris' Regret For Shooting Dafoe Created A Brand New Loop

Solving the Mystery of Bodies: How Detectives Saved London

Influenced by Commander Mannix's values, Maplewood remained steadfast and fired at Defoe as he entered the Throat. The bullet, hitting Defoe while he was time traveling, provided an explanation for the entrance wound without a bullet in 1890, 1941, and 2023. However, it also revealed that Maplewood's decision, which could have altered the fate of London in 2023, was made after Commander Mannix's journey through time. Iris experienced regret for prioritizing duty over her connection with Gabriel, realizing that she could have saved him, allowing him to reach Longharvest Lane in the future. This realization created a new loop, ultimately shattering Mannix's original loop.

Bodies' Ending Proved Dafoe's Free Will Theory Wrong

Solving the Mystery of Bodies: How Detectives Saved London

In Bodies episode 4, Iris and Gabriel’s connection sparked a conversation about the nature of free will. Gabriel believed that everyone's life was predetermined and free will was merely an illusion. The manipulative actions of Mannix's cult seemed to confirm this theory, as they ensured that events unfolded according to their will. However, Iris Maplewood challenged this notion by preventing Gabriel's death and altering the past to influence Mannix. By initiating this sequence of events, Iris demonstrated that free will was always present. Her mere mention of doubt to Mannix in 1890 ultimately caused his future and past to crumble, proving that she was the one truly making her own choices.

KYAL's 2023 Appearance Creates Another Foe After Mannix

Solving the Mystery of Bodies: How Detectives Saved London

2053 London's society, consumed by dystopia, prioritizes the yearning for love over democracy and freedom. Although this is a direct consequence of Mannix's destructive bomb in 2023 and his cult originating in 1890, which had ample time to meticulously plan this oppressive world, it does not imply that the aspiration to establish such a society would cease to exist. The existence of The Throat in 2053 opens up the possibility for anyone who possesses the knowledge to locate the portal, thereby enabling the realization of sinister intentions to undemocratically govern not only the UK but also other nations. KYAL's sudden appearance atop a 2023 London skyscraper in the final moments of Bodies serves as a tantalizing hint to this imminent threat.

What Does Bodies' Ending Really Mean & How It Sets Up Season 2

Solving the Mystery of Bodies: How Detectives Saved London

The day for Hillinghead, Whiteman, and Hasan unfolds similarly to when it commenced at Bodies' inception. However, the absence of any findings regarding Defoe's body finally confirms the eradication of the loop, along with Mannix's removal from the timelines. This critical development ensures the preservation of London in 2023 and prevents the premature demise of Hillinghead and Whiteman due to the meddling of Mannix's cult. Nevertheless, the existence of Mannix's paradoxical presence is what made all the events in the Netflix original TV series Bodies feasible. Consequently, the detectives would have never had the chance to meet or collaborate across time since their shared adversary never came into existence. Consequently, their lives progress as they always have, untouched by encounters with time travel.

In Bodies' surprisingly underwhelming conclusion, the detectives were left in the dark about what really occurred. The versions of themselves that worked together to conquer Mannix were trapped in the eradicated time loop, rendering them nonexistent, much like Mannix. However, this was not the case for Maplewood, who, in the final moments of Bodies, displayed an uncanny knowledge of Hasan's true identity, referring to her by her first name despite being her chauffeur. This highly suggests that time travel continues to pose challenges for Hillinghead, Whiteman, Hasan, and Maplewood in a potential second season of Bodies, as the possibility of creating new time loops still exists in 2053.