The latest installment of Kagurabachi, Chapter 16, was released on January 5, 2024 at 7 am PT. The chapter delved into the aftermath of Chihiro's rescue of Char, showcasing her healing powers as she tended to the sorcerer's wounds. Additionally, it featured Genichi Sojo unlocking the true power of his blade to defeat the Kamunabi elite squad.
In the previous chapter of Kagurabachi, Char's tragic backstory was revealed, including her mother's sacrifice to protect her and help her escape from Sojo's research lab. The chapter also depicted Chihiro harnessing his new power to overcome the guards and reach Char's location, ultimately saving her.
Kagurabachi chapter 16: Sojo awakens Cloud Gouger's actual power to defeat the Kamunabi and confront Chihiro
Entitled "Silence," chapter 16 of Kagurabachi started with Chihiro Rokuhira coming back from Sojo's base with Char on his shoulders. The tired Chihiro was noticed by the little girl, who offered to switch places with him. It was then revealed in the chapter that the Nishiki of the Enten blade enhances physical movements with dense spiritual energy, but Chihiro developed a method to reduce the strain on his body.
Regardless, it still caused immense discomfort for him. However, Chihiro was aware that it paled in comparison to the agony Char had endured. Subsequently, the young girl asked about Hinao's condition. Chihiro reassured her that everyone was safe.
Chihiro and Char, as depicted in Kagurabachi. (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)
At that moment, she became concerned when she noticed the protagonist's injured left hand. Kagurabachi chapter 16 then transitioned to a flashback that revealed Genichi Sojo experimenting with the Kyonagi cells.
The Mafia Boss understood the clan's regenerative abilities and their potential impact on other cells. He aimed to harness this unique trait to bring stability to the tumultuous realm of Datenseki, which was crucial for creating the Enchanted Blade.
While the Kyonagi cells showed some signs of stabilizing the ore, the results remained inconsistent. Moving back to the present, Char requested Chihiro to extend his hand. She then concentrated intensely on his injured left hand.
Chihiro, as seen in the manga. (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)
In Kagurabachi chapter 16, it was revealed that the Kyonagi Clan's regenerative powers are linked to their emotions and thoughts. In a mini-flashback, Char's mother explained to her daughter that if she thought, "I want to stop the pain," the pain would disappear. Using this emotive power, the little girl successfully healed Chihiro's left hand. However, at that moment, they both sensed something was wrong as Shiba arrived after his off-screen battle against Sojo's guards and met Chihiro.
The protagonist instructed him to look after Char and prepared himself for an upcoming conflict. Simultaneously, he examined his left hand and inquired if Char had healed it. The young girl then pleaded with the dark-haired protagonist not to perish, prompting him to begin drawing his Enchanted Blade, Enten.
Kamunabi sorcerers, as seen in Kagurabachi chapter 16. (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)
In Kagurabachi chapter 16, the scene shifted to the continuation of the Kamunabi vs. Sojo battle. Despite being injured, the Mafia Boss refused to give up and utilized a combination of Yui and Kou to counterattack the Kamunabi elite squad before they ambushed him again.
The squad's leader, Ikuto Hagiwara, devised a strategy to use the Pikmin Mask sorcerer as a railgun to pierce Sojo and steal the Cloud Gouger blade from him. While they successfully executed the plan, they were not prepared for the next onslaught.
Genichi Sojo, like Chihiro Rokuhira, achieved a deeper understanding of his Enchanted Blade, Cloud Gouger, and surpassed its theoretical limits to attain an unprecedented level of power. In chapter 16 of Kagurabachi, he is seen chanting Mei (Lightning).
Sojo's blade completely annihilates Kamunabi. (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)
The blade came back to the Mafia Boss, taking out multiple Kamunabi members one by one. The Pikmin Mask sorcerer lost his left torso, and the new Kamunabi sorcerer lost his right arm. With overwhelming power, the Mafia Boss charged his way to victory.
After nearly wiping out the Kamunabi members (their fate is unknown), the Cloud Gouger user returned to his base to confront Chihiro Rokuhira. In the chapter, it was revealed that Sojo enhanced his mastery of the blade and reduced Mei's interval period.
Rather than simply recharging it, he enveloped Cloud Gouger's lightning, shattering the blade's hypothetical constraints. Spotting Chihiro, Sojo recognized that he, too, had exceeded his boundaries. Although there was much he wanted to discuss with him, he understood that words were not what was needed at that moment.
Kagurabachi chapter 16 then explained that both Sojo and Chihiro were at their limits, and they had only 12 seconds to end the battle. The chapter ended with them commencing their rematch.
Editor's P/S
As a passionate fan of the Kagurabachi series, I was thrilled to read Chapter 16 and witness the intense battle between Sojo and the Kamunabi elite squad. Sojo's determination to protect Char and his unwavering spirit in the face of adversity truly resonated with me. His ability to tap into the true power of the Cloud Gouger and overcome the formidable Kamunabi sorcerers showcased his immense strength and unwavering resolve.
Moreover, the revelation of Char's healing powers and her emotional connection to the Kyonagi Clan's regenerative abilities added a heartwarming and emotional element to the chapter. The bond between Chihiro and Char is beautifully portrayed, and their mutual support and care for each other add depth to their characters. The upcoming rematch between Sojo and Chihiro promises to be an epic clash, and I eagerly anticipate the next chapter to witness the outcome of this highly anticipated confrontation.