Soaring to New Heights: Mastering the Enigmatic 'Dragon Skip'

Soaring to New Heights: Mastering the Enigmatic 'Dragon Skip'

Master the game with lightning speed using the Dragon Skip technique in Only Up Discover the secrets to performing this game-changing maneuver consistently and dominate your way to victory

With its challenging gameplay, Only Up compels players to seek out glitches and exploits in order to achieve faster success. Meanwhile, speedrunners are consistently discovering novel methods to bypass entire sections of the game. However, amidst all the time-saving exploits they have uncovered, one particular technique reigns supreme in expediting victory in Only Up: the dragon skip. In this guide, we elucidate the steps required to execute this trick and ascend to such heights that enable a direct jump to the satellite.

The Dragon Skip Explained

Soaring to New Heights: Mastering the Enigmatic 'Dragon Skip'

The dragon skip in the concluding part of Only Up presents a remarkable jumping technique that enables players to reach the spaceship. This skip can be discovered within the maze following the Golden Apple elevator.

How to Do the Dragon Skip

In contrast to early-game skips, executing the dragon jump proves to be quite challenging; its success is contingent upon players positioning themselves precisely and leaping at the exact moment the creature's wing lines up with the satellite.

Soaring to New Heights: Mastering the Enigmatic 'Dragon Skip'

Navigate through the maze by heading towards the bed located on the right side. When the dragon sweeps across the area, jump and position yourself on its tail until it carries you to the opposite side. As soon as it flaps its wings again, proceed to jump onto its wing. Remain patient and wait for the next flap, then rapidly press the jump button when the boy is positioned beneath the satellite.

Here’s the step-by-step process:

Run toward the bed in the maze.

Jump as the dragon gets close.

Land on the dragon’s tail.

Move to its wing when it gets behind the giant tree.

Spam the jump button when it’s about to flap.

Roll towards the satellite in order to reach the astronaut.

In another approach, players can employ the wing glitch to execute the dragon skip. To do this, they need to position themselves on the second line of the maze on the left side, causing the creature's wing to lift them up. The dragon's wings pass through the structures on the left.

How to Get Consistent Dragon Skips

Soaring to New Heights: Mastering the Enigmatic 'Dragon Skip'

Playing the game at a higher frame rate enhances the dragon skip's reliability. Additionally, players can enhance their ability to predict landing spots by maximizing the "View Distance." Utilizing the Slow-Motion mode is crucial when engaging with the dragon due to its intricate movement patterns.

The dragon emits a roar prior to flapping its wings. Take advantage of this auditory cue to timely spam the jump button.

To achieve successful dragon skips, one must master the art of rolls. When the creature's wing propels the boy away from the satellite, players can only counterbalance the impact by executing a well-timed roll. Only Up is currently accessible for PC through Steam.