Smashing Stereotypes: Unleashing the Untapped Power of Genshin Impact's Female Characters

Smashing Stereotypes: Unleashing the Untapped Power of Genshin Impact's Female Characters

Genshin Impact's diverse roster of female characters calls for a more empowering portrayal, moving beyond the limitations of stereotypes that have been prevalent so far


Some female characters in Genshin Impact have received criticism for being written in an over-reliant manner on character tropes, overshadowing their genuine personalities.

Keqing and Jean, in their positions of power, have limited character development beyond their work, resulting in an absence of depth in exploring their complete personalities. Nonetheless, the introduction of newer characters in recent releases demonstrates more profound growth. Nevertheless, it is vital not to overlook previously introduced female characters who could greatly benefit from additional screen time and further development beyond their established stereotypes.

Genshin Impact has expanded its roster of playable characters since its launch, with 12 new additions in 2023 alone. However, not all characters have been well received, particularly some female characters who could have been portrayed in a more empowering manner. It is important to note that not all women were handled poorly, and this critique does not imply that every male character was written impressively.

Regrettably, certain female characters in Genshin Impact have been disadvantaged in terms of the game's writing. Although they may appear well-executed, there tends to be an excessive reliance on character tropes. If these traits were exaggerated solely for marketing purposes, it would be one thing. However, some of Genshin Impact's female characters are so heavily entrenched in these tropes that it becomes challenging to discern their genuine personalities.

Genshin Impact's Over-Reliance on Tropes

Smashing Stereotypes: Unleashing the Untapped Power of Genshin Impact's Female Characters

The trope of the "overworked woman" is often used to gain attention. While it is commendable to have many female leaders in Genshin Impact, their leadership often overshadows their other characteristics. Keqing, for example, lacks fleshed-out development in cutscenes that doesn't revolve around her work or busy schedule, leaving little room for personal connections with the Traveler. Jean, another strong leader, also falls victim to this trope, being portrayed as someone who works excessively and could benefit from some time off. While their positions of power are admirable, it should not define their entire personalities.

Recently, Genshin Impact introduced another powerful woman who breaks away from the "overworked" stereotype. Furina/Focalors, the Hydro Archon, displays a diverse range of personality traits. She can be theatrical, putting on a mask, or serious and determined, demonstrating her commitment to her people. The female characters added later in Genshin Impact's release rely less heavily on overused tropes, but there is still room for improvement in portraying women in a more realistic and nuanced manner.

Another common issue faced by many games, including Genshin Impact, is the presence of flat characters. When a game has a roster of 70 characters, it is expected that there may be some repetition in traits and uninteresting cases. Keqing and Yanfei are particularly affected by this, but they are not the only ones. Ayaka and Shenhe, for example, tend to be reduced to just one personality trait. However, people are complex beings with a range of emotions and behaviors, and they should not be confined to one-dimensional characteristics or limited to their past actions. Fans desire to see these characters in new and diverse settings that allow for a deeper exploration of their complexity.

On the other hand, the more recent characters released, particularly those from Sumeru and Fontaine in Genshin Impact, possess greater depth compared to those from previous regions. This showcases the game's growth and evolution over time alongside its player base. However, this does not imply that the previously introduced female characters should be neglected while better-written ones are added to the game. There are numerous ways to enhance the personalities of these characters who do not receive as much screen time as the newer additions.

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Genshin Impact could revitalize older characters like Jean and Ayaka by introducing new events that bring these characters together. This would provide an opportunity for HoYoVerse to showcase their depth beyond just their established tropes or defining character traits. While there is nothing inherently wrong with depicting women as overworked or shy and docile, it is important to ensure that these traits do not define their entire character.

Genshin Impact is currently accessible on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version currently in progress.